Chapter 31 - Disarming The Jammer (Part 01)

"What's the plan?" Vicky asked stepping out of the elevator.

"I think you're going to like it," the captain said. He led her to the living room. Sarah, Colton, Miles, Kane, and Claire were seated around the coffee table. The map of the city in the game was laid out on the table.

"So you made it out of there," Claire said.

"Looks like I did," Vicky said.

"One fight together, and you guys are now besties?" Colton asked.

"Settle down we need to go over the plan," the captain insisted. Vicky sat on an empty seat on the sofa. The team explained the plan to her.

"Do we need Mia?" Vicky asked.

"She's your friend, it's your choice," the captain replied.

"I say we bring her. She could help us," Vicky said.

"Okay. We leave in five minutes," the captain said. He packed up the map, and went into his room. The other members of the team did too, leaving Claire and Vicky alone.

"You know, you're not as bad as I thought you would be," Claire said.

"Honestly, I was thinking the same," Vicky replied.

"Max told me, that he told you, about Clara," Claire said.

"Yeah. I'm sorry I didn't know you lost your mother and sister," Vicky said.

"How would you have known, noone told you anything about it," Claire said, and continued "I'm sorry I was rude to you. And sorry for bringing up the fire at the car park of the hospital."

"It's fine," Vicky said.

"Friends?" Claire asked, stretching her hand out for a handshake. Vicky looked at her hand, thinking of her next step.

"Friends," Vicky said, shaking Claire's hand. Claire smiled, and walked away from the living room. Vicky took the time to call Mia, and explained the plan to her.

After five minutes passed, the team met up at near the pods.

"Remember the plan," the captain said, as the team stepped into their pods. Vicky nodded at the captain, and stepped into her pod.

Vicky woke up at the base on the outskirts of the city. She found Mia waiting for her.

"Dia?" Vicky asked.

"School," Mia replied.

"Ready?" Vicky asked.

"I'm always ready," Mia replied.

The two of them walked out of the barracks. Vicky's car was still parked at the base.

"We'll take this?" Vicky asked, pointing at the car.

"If you're fine with it, but isn't it a little too slow?" Mia asked.

"We'll take the bikes then. I have to save the car," Vicky said. She got into the car, and used her gauntlet to save the car. Vicky got out of the car, and the car disintegrated. Vicky spawned her bike, and so did Mia.

"Anything interesting happen?" Mia asked.

"Turns out Clara is Claire's deceased twin," Vicky replied.

"What? How's she in the game then?" Mia asked.

"They uploaded her memory into the game," Vicky said, getting on her bike.

"How did she die?" Mia asked. She was already on her bike, and started the bike.

"Boat accident," Vicky said, starting her bike. She revved the engine.

"Beat you to the city," Mia said, riding off. Vicky followed Mia.

Vicky was not interested in beating Mia in a race, but she was keeping up to Mia, so they won't get lost.

"Where are you guys?" Vicky heard the captain ask through the earpiece.

"Almost there," Vicky replied. They had been riding for a little over an hour. It took them much less time to come back to the city, than when they were leaving the city.

"Whatever happens, always stick to the plan," the captain said.

"Sure thing, captain," Mia said.

Vicky and Mia rendezvoused with the captain and his team, at the plaza. They got of their bikes, and walked closer to the entrance of the plaza, with the team.

"You sure it's here?" Vicky asked, while looking at the plaza.

"That's what the programming team said," the captain replied.

"I have another question," Mia said, and continued "Why didn't you guys help us with the zombies?"

"The reason the game was attacked by zombies, was because Manic and his team managed to hack the game. While doing that, they also caused players out of the game to be unable to enter the game. Only players already in the game were able to stay," Sarah replied.

"So you couldn't login, and we couldn't logout?" Mia asked.

"Yes," Sarah replied.

"Let's move in," the captain said. They had not equipped themselves with weapons. They split up after going into the plaza. Each of them were alone.

Vicky walked into the plaza, and walked towards the lockers.

"Hi, what is your locker number?" a NPC asked.

"208," Vicky replied. She unlocked the locker, and walked to the hidden room.

Not a single person was inside the room. Alex was hiding in the shadows of the room, and attacked Vicky. Vicky fell to the ground, as Alex hit her. She got back on her feet, and turned around.

"Alex," Vicky said.

"Icicle. I'm guessing you had fun attacking zombies," Alex said. He had a pistol in his hand.

"I heard you guys did that," Vicky said, reaching for her pistol.

"I don't think you can grab the pistol as fast as I can pull the trigger," Alex said.

"I think Icicle needs help," Mia said, she was in the marketplace, in the plaza. They could hear everything through their earpiece.

"I'll check on her," the captain replied. He too was in the marketplace. He walked towards the lockers. Vicky saw the captain sneaking in, behind Alex.

"Who said I was going for my gun?" Vicky asked. She pulled a hidden blade from under her sleeves, and threw it at Alex's hand. The captain attacked Alex, who fell to the ground. Due to Vicky's attack, the gun Alex was holding also fell to the ground.

"You can't even fight your fights alone. Can you?" Alex said, trying to grab the gun. Vicky kicked it away from Alex's grasp.

Alex got on his feet, getting into a fighting stance. He took out a pocketknife. Vicky took out both her karambits, and gave one to the captain.

"Two versus one, classic," Alex said, and charged at Vicky. Vicky dodged Alex's attack, and countered it, by punching Alex in the face. Alex looked at Vicky, and swung his knife at Vicky. She dodged it, and then he kicked her. Vicky got hit, but did not back down. Alex pushed Vicky back, and attacked the captain. The captain stood back watching the fight, until Alex charged at him. Due to the captain's years of combat training, the fight was very easy for him.

Alex charged at the captain, who easily disarmed him, and put him on the ground. The captain took out his handcuffs, and put them on Alex.

"Couldn't you have done that earlier?" Vicky asked, getting onto her feet.

"Where's the fun in that? Plus I'm an old man, right? Not as active as you kids," the captain said.

"Very funny," Vicky said.

"Come on, we have to finish the mission," the captain said knocking out Alex.