Chapter 32 - Disarming the Jammer (Part 02)

Vicky, Mia and the team were in the marketplace, fighting. Manic had recruited Erika, Daxton, Lake and Zoe.

"Why'd you have to go and attack Alex?" Mia asked fighting Erika.

"How was I supposed to know he was going to be there?" Vicky replied, she too was fighting.

"He's always in that room. Plus couldn't you have at least used you're time freeze powers, to check before going in?" Mia asked.

"It only lasts for one minute. What's the use? What if no one was in there? Then I'd have to wait for it to recharge," Vicky ranted.

"Could you at least freeze time now, and help us out?" Mia asked.

"Fine," Vicky said, and froze time. She attacked their enemies, and as time unfroze, Zoe, Lake, and Erika fell to the ground. The captain used his super strength on Daxton, who fell unconscious.

"Now that everyone knows that we're here, let's get this mission completed," the captain said.

"It's all Vicky's fault," Mia said.

"How is it my fault? The captain and I just ran out of the hidden room, and you guys were already under attack" Vicky said.

"You walked right into a trap. After you and the captain attacked Alex, these guys started attacking us. Did you ever take into consideration about the cameras placed in the hidden room?" Mia asked.

"Uh… No," Vicky replied.

"They must have seen you guys through the cameras. You do know that you should have brought that up when planning," Miles said looking at Vicky.

"I'm sorry, I forgot," Vicky replied.

"Stop focusing on past mistakes, right now let's complete the mission," the captain stated, and walked into the elevator. The team got on the elevator as well, and the captain selected the button to the highest floor in the plaza.

The elevator arrived at its location. The team got out of the elevator, fully armed, and expecting a fight to commence.

"There's no one here," Mia said, getting out of the elevator.

The floor was empty. The view from the windows were breath-taking. The wall to the outside of the building was covered in glass.

"We might be walking into an ambush," Kane said.

"Stay vigilant," the captain said. The team had their guns out. The captain was leading, with the rest of the team following behind. Kane and Miles were keeping an eye out for enemies behind them. The team arrived at the staircase, to the rooftop. The captain nodded his head to Sarah, who tried to open the door.

"It's locked," Sarah said.

"This is a job for me," Mia said, cracking her knuckles. Sarah moved from the door. Mia bent near the handle of the door, and used a lockpick, to pick the lock. Mia kept trying for a while.

"Is it unlocked yet?" Colton asked.

"Working on it," Mia said, fidgeting with the door lock. She got up, turned to Vicky and said, "Icicle, it's all yours."

Vicky smirked and walked to the door. She used a lockpick, and unlocked the door.

"Done," Vicky said. She took out her pistol, and the team followed the captain to the rooftop.

"Something is not right. This is too easy," Miles said.

"Where are all the bad guys that we're supposed to fight?" Mia asked looking around.

A large jammer stood at the centre of the rooftop. The team walked towards it, expecting an ambush.

"Sarah, Miles, start working on the jammer, we'll keep watch," the captain said.

Sarah and Miles started working on removing the code-box to the HUD jammer. Mia, and Kane walked behind the jammer, while the captain and Vicky kept watch from the front.

"Don't let your guard down," Vicky said. She was having her pistols out, ready to attack.

"I never let my guard down," the captain replied.

Sarah and Miles were working on the panel of the jammer.

"Almost done," Sarah said.

"I hope we get a raise for this," Miles said.

"After clearing a large problem for the company, they owe us a raise," Colton said. He was standing next to Sarah and Miles.

"And what did you do, to help disable the jammer?" Sarah asked.

"I fought alongside you guys," Colton replied.

"Guys, we've got company," Kane said through the earpiece.

Vicky and the captain turned towards the side Kane and Mia were. A helicopter emerged from below the plaza, with Daemon on the side of the helicopter, he was using the fixed machine gun, and fired at the team. Kane and Mia ran towards the jammer, for cover. They both got shot, and fell to the ground. Sarah, Colton, and Miles hid behind the jammer, while Vicky and the captain ran in the opposite directions to hide behind the condenser unit of air conditioners. The bullets from the machine gun pierced through almost all the materials on the roof. Daemon's techno music was synchronised with the sound of the bullets.

The gun ran out of ammunition, and Daemon jumped onto the rooftop. Vicky and the captain charged at Daemon, who used his powers. Vicky tried to use her powers, and to her astonishment, it worked. Daemon was frozen in time too. Vicky looked at her gauntlet, and realised she had levelled up. She used her sword to attack Daemon, but his armour was too strong, and the amount of damage done by the sword was reduced. The timer on Vicky's power ran out, and Daemon swung both his swords at Vicky, she bent back, just in time dodging the attack.

The captain used his super strength to punch Daemon, but Daemon countered the attack with his power, resulting in just a normal punch.

Colton jumped into the fight using his powers. Colton's powers were cloning himself, so there were two versions of himself. The clone had a connection with Colton's mind, and he could make the clone to attack when he wanted to. He also had the ability to choose if he wanted to see through the clone. Colton selected a spear to attack Daemon, and so did his clone.

"That's such a cool power," Vicky said.

The three of them were fighting Daemon, alongside Colton's clone.

"I think there's nothing much we could do with the jammer," Miles said, turning to Sarah. The HUD jammer was destroyed due to Daemon's attack.

"Let's take the code-box and help the others take down Daemon," Sarah said, pulling out the code-box. She put it into her inventory using her head-up display, and the box disintegrated in her hand.

Miles used his power, which allowed him to increase the damage done by his weapon, to twice the usual amount. The power also gave him a force-field that protected him against bullets, that recharged once it had been disabled.

Sarah and Miles, joined the fight against Daemon. All of them attacking with their powers together was too overwhelming for Daemon. The captain used his super strength, and pushed Daemon off the ledge, while he was distracted, fighting Vicky.

Sarah jumped onto the helicopter, to attack the pilot. After the attack was successful, she jumped back onto the rooftop, using her powers.

Mia and Kane respawned in the place their body was.

"What did we miss?" Mia asked. The team looked at her, and in silence.

"Max," a male's voice said from behind the team. The team turned around to face the man. He looked the same age as the captain, and was dressed like the other soldiers in the game.

"Wyatt," the captain said, and continued "I thought you didn't work on the field anymore."

"Why did I just see you attack a Raina Corps chopper?" Wyatt asked.

"He's working with Manic," the captain replied.

"My son? Working with Manic?… How do I know that you're not the one working with Manic?" Wyatt asked.

"Why would I be working with Manic?" the captain asked.

"How would I know? You're working with Icicle, and her friend. They worked with Manic before," Wyatt said. He gave a hand signal, and the rooftop was filled with soldiers.

"Really?" the captain asked, looking at the soldiers.

"Get out of here before I change my mind," Wyatt replied.

"Let's go," the captain said looking at his team. They followed the captain through the door to the staircase.