Chapter 33 - An Uninvited Guest

Vicky spawned her non-zombie car, and gave the keys to the captain. She and Mia got onto their bikes, while the captain, Colton, Sarah, Miles and Kane took the car. They left the plaza.

"I can't believe they made it look like we're the ones working with Manic," Colton said. Vicky and Mia heard the conversation through their earpiece.

"What are we going to do, Max?" Miles asked, he was seated on the front passenger seat.

"I honestly don't know," the captain said.

"I have a hidden safe house. Leo and I used to hang out there. We could go there if you guys are fine with it," Vicky said, listening to their conversation through her earpiece.

"I say we go back, and destroy all of them," Mia said.

"And then what? We become exactly what they want us to be," the captain responded.

"We'll get off the streets for now. Are you guys forgetting that we're only in the game, and our actual selves are in the Raina Corps building?" Vicky asked.

"Icicle's right," the captain said.

Everyone stayed quiet, as they arrived at an old house. The road to the house was almost not visible, as the house was under the highway. There were buildings around the house, making it invisible to anyone who didn't know it was there.

"This is it," Vicky said, stopping in front of the staircase to the house.

"How have I never known about this place?" Mia asked, getting off her bike.

"I thought I'd never have to see this place again, after Leo…," Vicky said, and got off the bike.

"You going to finish that sentence?" Mia asked.

"No," Vicky replied, walking up the stairs, and climbing up to the roof of the patio. She crept through a small opening in a window, and went into the house.

It was dark inside the house, she could barely see anything. Vicky walked down, and opened the door for the team.

"Whoa! This place looks so cool," Mia said. Vicky wasn't as excited as Mia to see the house again. Vicky locked the door, after the team entered the house. It was dark inside, and Vicky switched on a light , filling the house with light.

"You guys can logout here," Vicky said.

"Wouldn't it be better if we logged out at the same time?" Miles asked.

"I guess," Vicky said, shrugging her shoulders and looking at the captain.

"Yeah," the captain replied. They all opened their head-up display, and logged out simultaneously.

The team, including Vicky woke up at Raina Corps. There were guards waiting to take them out.

"You guys have ten minutes to take your belongings and leave. Vicky, you'll have to leave right away," Claire said.

"Stay in the car, I'll take you home," the captain said tossing his keys to Vicky. She waited in the car, as the captain, and the rest of the team collected their belongings.

"I'm sorry about this, Max," Claire said, as the captain left the building, to go to his car. The other team members went to their vehicles as well.

"Hey!" Vicky exclaimed, as the captain kept his things in the back seat, and opened the door to the driver's seat. Vicky was seated on the front passenger seat.

"Hey!" the captain said getting into the car. Vicky gave him the keys, and he started the engine. They drove away from the building.

"This reminds me of waiting for my dad to finish work," Vicky said, her voice was uneven. She was fighting back tears.

"I'm sorry kid," the captain said.

"Does it ever get better? It's been several years, but I just can't get over that void," Vicky said. Her eyes were red.

"The void never gets filled up. That feeling, that's all we have left balance of them, alongside the memories they gave us," the captain said.

"Do you remember your daughter?" Vicky asked.

"Everyday. Everytime. She's the first thing I remember when I wake up, and the last thing I remember before going to bed," the captain replied.

"How do you live with it?" Vicky asked, she had tears in her eyes.

"You just remember that they don't want you to give up," the captain said.

"Why'd they have to leave us behind? Can't they take us with them?" Vicky asked, sniffling her nose.

"That… I don't know," the captain replied.

Vicky stared out the window for a while, remembering car trips with her family. She fought back the tears, she tried to hide them. She reached for her pocket.

"Claire gave this to me before going into the pod," Vicky said, handing a folded paper to the captain. She wiped her tears on the sleeves of her jacket.

"What's this?" the captain said. He had one hand on the steering, and took the paper with his other hand.

"Keep your eyes on the road," Vicky said.

"Well, I'll read it at this traffic light," the captain said, pulling up at the red light. He unfolded the paper.

The paper read:

"There's more than one mole at Raina Corps. I spoke with my father, and devised a plan to make you guys look like the bad guys. This will give Manic and Caiden what they want. But I want you to find out what's going on secretly, don't trust anyone at Raina Corps. And don't forget to show this to the captain. Claire."

"Why didn't you show this to me earlier?" the captain asked, looking at Vicky.

"I tried to, but the mission was rushed," Vicky replied, and continued "I couldn't tell you anything in the game. They might have been listening."

"When did she give this to you?" the captain asked.

"After you guys left the living room. She shook my hand, and passed the letter too," Vicky said.

"This changes everything," the captain said.

"By the way, where are you going to stay now?" Vicky asked.

"I'll find a place for me to stay. That's not your problem," the captain replied.

"It is my problem, because I'm living at your house," Vicky responded.

"It's fine, princess, I'll stay at a motel," the captain said.

"Why did you call me 'princess'?" Vicky asked, and continued "You do know that there are other rooms in that house right?"

"Sorry, I won't call you 'princess' again. And you're still getting used to that place. I can stay at a motel," the captain said.

"Are you avoiding the house?" Vicky asked.

"I said, I'll find a motel. End of conversation," the captain said, almost as if ordering Vicky.

For the rest of the car ride, everything was much quiet. The captain pulled up at the house, and an old lady was seated on the steps.

"Oh no! No! NOWAY! What's she doing here?" Vicky asked, hiding.

"What are you doing?" the captain asked.

"Just drive away and come back later," Vicky replied, still hiding. The old lady got up from the staircase, and walked towards the car.

"You can't just leave an old lady out on the steps. Looks she's coming to talk to you," the captain said.

"Dude. Please, leave now," Vicky said desperately, as the old lady walked to the car.

"Did you just call me 'dude'?" the captain asked, and rolled down the shutter.

"Vicky. Where have you been? I was waiting for you," the old lady said. Vicky sat back on the seat.

"I was busy, grandma," Vicky replied.