Chapter 40 - Babysitter for The Day

Vicky, the captain, and Miles arrived at Miles's house. They parked their vehicles on the driveway. Miles led Vicky, and the captain into the house, through the front door.

"UNCLE MAX!" three young girls screamed, whilst running towards the captain, and hugged him. They were screaming about their day to the captain, but were all speaking simultaneously.

"Guys one at a time," Miles said. The three of them stopped talking, and looked at Vicky.

"Who are you?" the youngest girl asked looking at Vicky.

"Uh…," Vicky said looking at the captain, and Miles for help.

"Her name is Vicky. She's a friend of ours. She's going to take you guys out," Miles said.

"So she's our babysitter," the second youngest asked.

"No," Vicky said.

"Yes," Miles replied. Vicky stared at Miles.

"I don't need a babysitter," the oldest girl said. She looked like a young teenager.

"What did I get myself into," Vicky mumbled to herself.

"This is Skylar, Amelia, and Jessica," Miles said, introducing the girls from youngest to oldest.

"She looks cool," Vicky said pointing at Jessica. Jessica was dressed like a goth.

"Are you sure about this?" Miles asked looking at the captain. The captain looked at Vicky, and then at Miles.

"Hi! Max," a lady about Miles's age said, coming towards the captain, and hugging him.

"Hi! Pam," the captain said, hugging her back.

"And who might this lovely, young lady be?" the lady asked looking at Vicky.

"This is Vicky, she's Connor's daughter," Miles replied, and continued "This is my wife Pamela."

"Hi. Honey! No one told me Connor had such a pretty daughter," Pamela said hugging Vicky. Vicky smiled, not knowing what to do, and hugged Pamela back.

"We didn't know she was Connor's daughter either," the captain said.

"How does everyone know my dad?" Vicky asked.

"I used to visit Miles at Raina Corps back in the day. I knew Connor had a son, and a really pretty wife. I didn't know he had a daughter," Pamela replied.

"So you met Leo?" Vicky asked.

"Yes. He was really sweet, Connor used to bring him to work somedays," Pamela replied.

"This is starting to make so much sense now. I used to go with mom, and Leo with dad. I used to be in dad's car somedays. When he and mom had to grab stuff from the office, and Leo was at college" Vicky said.

"Aww that's so sweet. Could you stay with the girls for a minute? We have to talk," Pamela said, taking Miles, and the captain with her. Vicky was left with the girls.

"How old are you?" Skylar asked.

"Twenty. How old are you guys?" Vicky asked.

"I'm eight. Amelia is eleven, and Jess is fourteen," Skylar said. She and Amelia started playing, while Jessica was looking at Vicky, and stuck her tongue out at Vicky. Vicky stuck tongue out at Jessica too.

"Everything alright here?" Miles asked coming back into the room, with the captain. Vicky pulled her tongue back into her mouth, and smiled.

"Everything's great," Vicky replied.

"Here's a little snack for you three if you get hungry," Pamela said. She brought three lunch bags, and gave it to the girls.

"We could buy something if we get hungry," Jessica said.

"I know, but having some food just in case doesn't hurt," Pamela replied, and then looked at Vicky, and continued "Please keep them safe."

"I will," Vicky replied.

Miles opened the door for Vicky, and the girls. He followed them to the car, and watched as they got into the car. He closed the door to the front passenger seat, after Jessica got in, and looked at Vicky. The captain was standing next to Miles too.

"Bring them back safe, or I'll kill you myself," Miles threatened Vicky.

"Looking forward to it," Vicky replied, getting into the car.

"She did not just," Miles said, looking at the captain, as Vicky drove off.

In the car, the girls were quiet. Jessica put her earphones in. Amelia and Skylar were playing on their phones.

"Where do you guys want to go?" Vicky asked looking at Amelia and Skylar through the rearview mirror.

"Ask Jess, she's the only one that hates visiting places," Amelia replied.

"I don't think she can hear anything," Vicky said.

"Just tap her shoulder and ask her," Amelia replied. Vicky looked at Jessica.

"Are you sure?" Vicky asked.

"Yes. That's how everyone talks to her," Amelia replied, and tapped on Jessica's shoulder.

"WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM?" Jessica shouted, turning towards Amelia.

"She wants to ask you something," Amelia said, pointing at Vicky.

"What do you want. Can't you see I'm busy here?" Jessica asked looking at Vicky.

"I just wanted to know where you want to go," Vicky replied.

"Aren't you the adult here. It's your choice," Jessica said.

"I thought you might have some great ideas, on where to go," Vicky said.

"I'd like to go to a theme park, but I doubt you'll take us anywhere near a theme park," Jessica said.

"Try me," Vicky replied. She did a U-turn, and turned down another road.

After a while, they arrived at a large theme park. The girls leaned forward from their seats, in awe at the sight of the theme park.

"Are you sure about this?" Amelia asked, looking at Vicky.

"If I wasn't, you guys won't be here," Vicky replied.

"You seriously taking us to a theme park?" Jessica asked.

"Yes," Vicky replied.

"We've never been to a theme park before," Skylar said, in excitement.

"Dad's definitely going to kill you when we get back," Amelia said. Vicky smiled.

"Come on let's go," Vicky said getting out of the car. They walked to the entrance, and Vicky bought the tickets for all of them.

"Is everything free?" Amelia asked.

"No. The rides are free. Don't damage the band on your wrist. You got to pay for the games," Vicky replied, and continued "Everyone stick together."

The girls wanted to ride all the rides at the theme park. After they were tired, Vicky decided to take them for lunch.

"That was so cool," Skylar said, while they were walking out of the theme park.

"Vicky," a familiar voice said, when they were walking to the car.

"Get in the car," Vicky said looking at the girls.

"We're not here to hurt them," Chase said walking towards Vicky. Dash was with him too.

"That's our dad's friend," Amelia said, looking at Dash.

"Get in the car!" Vicky said once again.

"He's a friend. What's wrong with you?" Jessica asked walking towards Dash. Vicky grabbed Jessica and held her back.

"Hi girls. How's everything going?" Dash said, walking towards the girls.

"Take another step and I'll…," Vicky said, and was cut off by Chase.

"You'll what? This isn't the game," Chase said.

"GET IN THE CAR!" Vicky said.

"What's going on?" Amelia asked.

"Could you guys just get in the car!" Vicky insisted. The girls finally listened to Vicky, and got into the car.

"Isn't it Skylar's birthday today?" Dash asked walking towards Vicky.

"What do you want?" Vicky asked. She started backing away slowly, towards the car.

"Nothing much," Chase replied, taking a pistol out, and pointing it at Vicky.

"What a nice birthday gift for Skylar," Dash said.

Vicky stared at the gun, she knew there was nothing she could do. The gunshot rang, Vicky closed her eyes, not knowing if it was the last time she would. Vicky didn't feel any pain, she opened her eyes, and saw Chase drop to the ground.

"Dash! Get out of here, or your next," a familiar male voice said, walking from behind Vicky. He had a gun pointed at Dash. Vicky turned to look at who it was.

"Dad!" Vicky exclaimed, in astonishment.

Dash walked away in defeat, as Chase laid in a pool of his own blood.

"Get out of here," Connor said, looking at Vicky. "GO!" he insisted, as Vicky froze staring at him.

"What about you?" Vicky asked.

"GO! I'll meet you at Miles's house," Connor said. Vicky nodded her head, and got into the car, driving off.

"What? Who was that?" Amelia asked, in shock.

"Are you guys okay?" Vicky asked, looking at Jessica.

"No. Sky and Amelia are just in shock," Jessica replied, looking at the back seat, and then asked "Who was that?"

"Who was who?" Vicky asked, still processing what she saw.

"That guy with Dash," Jessica said.

"His name is Chase… he was a friend," Vicky replied.

"Why did Connor have to kill him?" Jessica asked.

"You know my dad?" Vicky asked.

"Connor? Yes. He visits us frequently, a lot when uncle Max is around," Jessica replied. Vicky looked at Jessica, and back at the road.

They drove to Miles's house. Vicky watched as the girls got out of the car. She too got out of the car, and followed the girls into the house. Miles came to the front door, furious.

"I thought I told you to bring them back at three," Miles said staring at Vicky. The captain, and Pamela walked to the front door too. Vicky walked passed Miles and looked at the captain.

"You lied to me," Vicky said.

"What are you talking about?" the captain asked.