Chapter 41 - Connor Mitchel

"Dash and some other guy attacked us. And then Connor came in and shot the other guy," Skylar said. Looking at Miles and the captain.

"What do you mean Dash and some other guy attacked you guys?" Miles asked, closing the front door. Vicky stared at the captain.

"What happened?" the captain asked Vicky.

"It doesn't matter. They're safe. That's all you guys ever cared about right?" Vicky said.

The front door opened, and Connor walked in.

"Everyone alright?" Connor asked, looking at Jessica, Amelia, Skylar, and then at Vicky.

Vicky looked at the captain, and then at Connor.

"We're fine," Jessica said.

"Vicky?" Connor asked, looking at Vicky.

"I'm never fine," Vicky said, she tried to walk out the door, but the captain stopped her.

"Where are you going?" the captain asked.

"Where ever I want," Vicky replied, and tried to walk out the door. Connor held Vicky's hand.

"It's not safe out there," Connor said.

"And since when did you care? For all I know, you've been alive for all these years, while I lived with the thought I was the only who survived," Vicky said, she started tearing up.

"It was for your safety," Connor said, and tried to clean the tears off Vicky's face.

"No," Vicky said pulling her hand from his grip. "Don't touch me," Vicky said, and walked out the door.

"She'll be fine," the captain said, looking at Connor.

"She's a tough kid," Miles replied.

"Why don't you three come with me," Pamela said, taking the children upstairs.

"What happened?" the captain asked.

"Dash and Chase cornered them at the theme park," Connor replied.

"Theme park?" Miles asked.

"Yes. Vicky wouldn't have been alive if I wasn't there," Connor replied.

"Well then it's a good thing you were following them," the captain said.

"You think she'll be back?" Connor asked.

"I don't know. She's unpredictable," the captain replied.

Meanwhile, Vicky drove the car away from the house. The road looked like a blur, as tears dripped down her cheeks. She took her phone, and called Mia, she didn't answer. Vicky called Mia again, the results were the same.

"Where's everyone when I need them?" Vicky asked. She increased the volume on the radio. She was crying. Vicky tried calling Mia again, she didn't answer.

Vicky drove to their old house. She parked the car near the shed. She kept her head on the steering wheel and proceeded to cry. She had flashbacks of memories.


Vicky was on the front passenger seat in the car, alone at the carpark in Raina Corps. Connor walked towards the car, and opened the door, getting into the driver's seat. Vicky was younger, and had a teddy bear with her.

"Did I take too long?" Connor asked, buckling his seatbelt.

"No. Plus teddy was there to keep me company," Vicky replied.

"Did teddy take good care of you?" Connor asked.

"Yes," Vicky replied.

***Present Day***

Vicky felt like she was burning from the inside out. She felt like her insides were being pulled out of her. She felt betrayed. She couldn't breathe, she was drowning in her own sorrows. She couldn't bare the weight in her heart, she felt like she was dying.

The sun was beginning to set. Vicky had still not come back. Connor was pacing the room, the captain, and Miles were seated on the sofa. Pamela was with the girls, in the other room.

"She's not back yet," Connor said, and continued "What if something happened to her?"

"Do you know where she could have gone?" Miles asked.

"If Mia was here, she would have gone out with her," Connor replied.

"I might know where she went," the captain said.

"Where?" Connor asked.

"The old house. I think she might go there. But I'm not sure if she'll be there," the captain replied.

"It's worth a shot," Connor said.

"I'll stay, you guys go get her back," Miles said. The captain and Connor, left the house.

They arrived at the burnt house. The captain parked the car on the driveway, and walked towards the shed. They saw the car, and walked towards it.

Vicky had fallen asleep in the car. She opened her eyes, and saw the captain, and Connor, opening the car door.

"What are you guys doing here?" Vicky asked, wiping her eyes.

"Have you been crying?" Connor asked.

"What?" Vicky asked.

"Your eyes. They're puffy," Connor replied. Vicky looked at him, and the captain. She got out of the car.

"We were worried about you. Specially him," the captain said.

Vicky walked towards Connor, and hugged him. Connor hugged Vicky back. Vicky then walked to the captain, and hugged him too.

"I'm tired, and sleepy," Vicky said.

"Let's get you home then," Connor said.

"Ugh!... I have to meet grandma. Can't I sleep in the car, like I used to, and then magically wake up on the bed?" Vicky asked. The captain smirked.

"What do you mean you have to meet grandma?" Connor asked.

"Didn't he tell you, that he allowed grandma into the house, because you can't keep an old lady outside. By the way, grandma was flirting with him in the morning," Vicky replied.

"You let Cordelia into the house, where my daughter was staying? What were you thinking? She might be working for them," Connor said.

"Working for whom?" Vicky asked.

"There's a lot you don't know about," the captain replied.

"Will you guys tell me everything?" Vicky asked.

"Let's get you home for now, and talk about this tomorrow," Connor replied. The captain nodded his head to Connor, and went to his car. Connor got into the driver's seat on Vicky's car, with Vicky in the passenger seat. They drove away from the house.

Vicky slumped on the front seat. She looked at Connor, and then the road. She kept her head on the glass of the door.

"How did you survive?" Vicky asked, looking at Connor.

"I left a few minutes before the fire. Max said he found something he needed to show me," Connor said, and continued "When I came back, the house was burnt, and there were cops, firetrucks, ambulances."

"And you didn't bother to let us know that you survived?" Vicky asked.

"I needed to protect you two," Connor replied.

"So you protect us, by leaving us alone, as orphans?" Vicky asked.

"Leo had everything under control," Connor replied.

"Did he even know you were alive, before he died?" Vicky asked.

"Yes," Connor replied.

"What? When did you tell him?" Vicky asked.

"When I found out he was working for Manic," Connor replied.

"So he lied to me too," Vicky said.

"All we wanted to do was keep you safe. Why do you think the fire occurred? Or why Leo was killed?" Connor asked.

"Because they wanted to stop you?" Vicky asked in a soft voice.

"Not just me… They want to use the game to take over the world," Connor replied. Vicky sighed, and sunk into the seat.

"Did mom survive too?" Vicky asked. Connor looked at Vicky.

"No," Connor replied.

"How'd the fire start?" Vicky asked.

"We're not entirely sure," Connor replied.

"Not sure? Or you don't want to tell me?" Vicky asked.

"We have a few theories…" Connor said, and was cut off by Vicky.

"Hypothesis," Vicky said.

"What?" Connor asked.

"A theory is when you've proved something. A hypothesis is when you have an idea, but not proved it," Vicky replied, and continued "Anyway, finish what you were saying."

"We have a few 'hypothesis'… about how the fire started," Connor said.

"And…?" Vicky asked.

"And?" Connor asked.

"What's the hypothesis?" Vicky asked.

"You're asking too many questions again," Connor replied. Vicky sighed.

"Fine. I'll sit here quietly," Vicky said, sighing.

The three of them arrived at the captain's house. The door to the house was partially opened.

"Stay in the car," Connor said, getting out of the car, with his gun in his hand. The captain got out of his car with his gun too.

Vicky watched as the two of them walked into the house. She looked around, and didn't see anything. Vicky took phone out, and started fidgeting with it. All of a sudden, someone opened the door to the car, and tried to grab Vicky. She kicked him, and tried to get out from the other door, but the guy pulled Vicky out of the car.

"Dash!" Vicky said, looking at Dash, who was pointing a gun at her.

"Connor killed Chase, and I'm going to kill you," Dash said, pulling Vicky off the ground, from her t-shirt.

"DAD!" Vicky screamed. Dash kicked Vicky, in the stomach, where her wound was. Vicky held her stomach in pain.

"Quiet," Dash said. He turned Vicky away from him, and had his arm gripped around her neck, pointing his gun at her head.

The captain, and Connor ran out of the door.

"Dash!" the captain said, pointing his gun at Dash. Connor had his gun pointed at Dash too.

"Come any closer, and I'll shoot her," Dash said. Connor looked at Vicky, and gave a slight nod.

Vicky used the pocketknife she had in her hand, to stab Dash in his leg, and ran towards cover. Dash grabbed his leg, and shot at the captain, and Connor. He leapt to his car, and drove off. Connor wanted to follow Dash, but the captain stopped him.

"It's not worth it," the captain said. Connor walked towards Vicky.

"You okay?" Connor asked. Vicky nodded her head, holding her stomach.

"Yeah," Vicky replied in pain.

"You sure?" the captain asked.

"I'll live," Vicky replied.

"She really is your daughter," the captain said, looking at Connor.