Chapter 42 - New House, New Car

Connor took Vicky and the captain to his house. It was a single bedroom house. Vicky was on the couch, as Connor was attending to her wounds.

"Why did you wait for it to get this bad?" Connor asked, bandaging Vicky's wound.

"Uh… I forgot to use the cream that Sarah gave me," Vicky replied.

"You should take more care of yourself," Connor said. The captain walked into the room.

"You think Cordelia had something to do with what happened at my place?" the captain asked.

"I won't be surprised if she was involved. She wasn't even at the house," Connor replied. The captain sat on the sofa.

"Aww… Were you actually thinking that she was flirting with you, because she cared about you?" Vicky asked, imitating a pouty face. The captain looked at Vicky.

"There's one bed. Who wants to take it?" Connor asked.

"Let the kid have it," the captain replied. Connor looked at Vicky.

"Look. Let's go with the facts. I'm technically smaller in size, and can fit on this… couch. So why don't one of you guys take the bed," Vicky said.

"Max, she does have a point. Why don't you take the bed?" Connor asked.

"Fine," the captain replied. He got up, and went into the bedroom.

The next morning, Vicky woke up on the couch. She sat up, and saw the captain and Connor in the kitchen.

"You're awake," the captain said. He handed Vicky her breakfast.

"What time is it?" Vicky asked.

"A little too late to be waking up," Connor replied.

"You always wanted us to wake up at six in the morning. What's even the use? What am I supposed to do? Sit around staring at stuff like a crazy person?" Vicky asked.

"Isn't that what you do anyway?" Connor said. Vicky looked at Connor, and started eating her food.

"Eat faster. We can't wait here either," the captain said.

"Why not?" Vicky asked.

"It's not safe here. We should go to the lake house," Connor replied.

After Vicky finished her breakfast, they left the house. The lake house was out of the city. The lake house, and the land surrounding it belonged to Vicky's mother.

The captain, and Connor pulled up at the lake house. It was a large house with a dock near the lake. Vicky stepped out of the house, and walked to the dock, and stared at the water.

"What is she doing?" the captain asked, walking towards Connor.

"I have no idea. She does that every time we come here," Connor replied.

Vicky walked back from the dock, and saw Miles's car driving to the lake house.

"What's he doing here?" Vicky asked, looking at Connor, and the captain.

"It's not safe for any of us, in the city anymore. So I gave him the location of the lake house," Connor replied. Vicky's phone started to ring, she answered it.

"Hey!" Vicky said.

"I just saw your missed calls. By the way you won't believe what happened in the game," Mia said in excitement.

"What?" Vicky asked.

"Log in. I'll show it to you," Mia replied.

"I'm coming," Vicky said, and cut the line. She turned to the captain, and Connor and said "Mia needs to show me something in the game. I'm going into the game." Vicky rushed into the house.

The house was massive, and consisted of several rooms. Most of the rooms had a pod. Vicky walked into the room, she always stayed in since she was young, and got into the pod.

Vicky woke up in the safe house in the game. Mia was waiting for her.

"There's so much I need to tell you," Vicky said, looking at Mia.

"Me too," Mia said.

"You go first," Vicky said.

"Follow me," Mia said, walking out of the house, and then continued "Look." She disappeared from where she was, and appeared behind Vicky.

"You got your powers! You can teleport?" Vicky asked.

"Yes. I can teleport to where ever I want to. And I can take anyone with me too," Mia replied.

"What's the timer on it?" Vicky asked.

"One minute. So I can teleport where ever I want in one minute," Mia replied.

"That's so cool," Vicky said.

"What did you want to tell me?" Mia asked.

"My dad's back," Vicky replied.

"What do you mean your dad's back?" Mia asked.

"Turns out he didn't die in the fire. The captain, and the team… eh… at least Miles, and the captain knew about it," Vicky replied.

"Really?" Mia asked.

"Yeah!" Vicky replied.

"That is so cool, dude. Are you like happy… and really excited?" Mia asked.

"Well yeah! But he didn't want to tell me he was alive. Even Leo knew," Vicky replied.

"I don't know if your upset, or happy. But let's go have some fun. There's a car race starting in a few hours. We could rob a car from the dealership," Mia said.

"Rob a car? Why? We could use this," Vicky said, pointing at her car.

"Where's the fun in that?" Mia asked.

"One car," Vicky replied.

"Two," Mia said.

"Fine two," Vicky replied. They spawned their bikes, and rode to the dealership for exotic cars.

Vicky and Mia walked into the dealership, and one of the salesman, who was an NPC, walked up to them.

"Hi. How may I help you today?" the salesman asked.

"What's the fastest car you got?" Mia asked.

"You must be looking for this," the salesman replied, walking to a sleek sports car.

"Which one do you want?" Mia asked turning to Vicky.

"That one," Vicky said, pointing at another sports car.

"That will be five thousand Raina Creds," the salesman replied.

"Five thousand??!!" Mia exclaimed. Vicky wasn't as shocked as Mia.

A few minutes later, Vicky and Mia drove the cars out of the showroom, smashing the windows. The alarm in the showroom came on.

"You didn't have to shoot him," Vicky said, through her earpiece.

"He'll respawn," Mia replied.

"We need to get these cars to Cassius before the trackers come on. We have approximately thirty minutes," Vicky said.

"Why didn't you say that earlier?" Mia asked.

"You didn't ask," Vicky replied.

"We have a possible code red. Icicle and Crystal have been seen leaving in stolen sports cars at…," the radio scanner Vicky had equipped said.

"You think we can outrun them, without damaging the cars?" Mia asked.

"We'll have to try. More damage, more Raina Creds wasted," Vicky replied.

The standby police squad, for code red started to follow Vicky and Mia. Code red was the second highest danger code given for a player, the highest being black.

"Do we split up?" Mia asked.

"No not yet," Vicky said, looking at the police vehicles following them, through the rearview mirror.

"Take the lead. I have no idea where we're going," Mia replied. She slowed her car, allowing Vicky to go first.

They evaded roadblocks, and was almost away from the police, when a police helicopter started to follow them

"Crystal. We need to split…" Vicky said, as a sniper from the helicopter shot at the rear buffer on her car. Instead of a bullet, a small circle device fastened itself onto the buffer of the car. The device exploded, raising the rear end of the car. The car toppled, and skidded on the roof, until it came to a stop.

"Icicle," Mia said.

"Go!" Vicky said, on her earpiece.

Mia drove off without stopping to check on her friend. Vicky crept out of the car, she was surrounded. The standby police squad had sports cars too, which helped them to keep up with Vicky and Mia.

Vicky stood up raising her hands, as the officers had their guns pointed at Vicky.

"Hands behind your head," an officer said. Vicky glanced at her surroundings, and grabbed her sword. The officers started shooting at Vicky, she defended herself with her sword. Vicky threw her boomerang in a perfect arc, which knocked down all the officers. Vicky walked towards one of the police cars, and drove off in it.

Mia had arrived at Cassius's garage. She had evaded the police cars, and pulled up into the garage. Mia got out of the car, and walked over to a guy who was working on a car.

"Cassius!" Mia said.

"Oh my goodness! Crystal! What are you doing here?" Cassius asked, startled. He was dressed in metal armor, and his hands were spanners.

"I got a car. I wanna take it to the races," Mia replied.

"Is there a tracker on it?" Cassius asked. His hands turned into normal human hands.

"That's what Icicle said. Did she come here?" Mia asked.

"No," Cassius said. He looked at Mia's car, and said "Park it over there."

Mia followed Cassius's instructions. Mia got out of the car. Cassius pressed a switch, and a machine raised the car up.

"How long will this take?" Mia asked. Cassius's hands changed into a spanner once again.

"Not long," Cassius said, unscrewing the tracker from the undercarriage of the car. He removed the tracker, and stepped on it, and said "That's it."

"Really? Are you sure that, that's the tracker?" Mia asked. Cassius pressed the switch on the machine again, and the machine brought the car down.

"Crystal! Why is there a squad car pulling up?" Cassius asked, staring at the entrance.

"No one followed me. I swear," Mia replied.

The glasses on the police car were tinted. Mia took her war hammer out, and stared at the car. The door to the car opened, and Vicky stepped out.

"How's my new car?" Vicky asked, walking towards Mia and Cassius.

"Icicle. Phew… We thought someone followed Crystal," Cassius replied.

"You've got a lot of modifying to do," Vicky said, walking to Cassius. She handed him the keys to the car. "I want it full black, the best stuff you've got," Vicky said.

"Ok," Cassius replied, and continued "If you win, I get half… and if you lose, you have to complete a mission for me."

"Deal!" Vicky said.

"We'll be back in the night," Mia said, as she and Vicky walked out of the garage. They spawned their bikes, and headed back to the safe house.