Chapter 46 - Mia's Plan

The captain logged back into the game. Everyone else was already in the safe house.

"Did you guys get the coordinates for Vicky's location?" the captain asked.

"Yep!" Mia said, looking at her gauntlet.

"What's the plan?" Miles asked glancing at each member of the team.

"We go in, get Vicky, and get out," the captain said.

"Icicle! We get Icicle," Mia corrected the captain.

"That's not a plan," Colton said.

"We don't have enough intel to make a plan," Connor replied.

"I got a plan. We make the plan up as we go. End of plan," Mia said.

"What?" Kane asked.

"The plan is to plan the plan, while we're following the planned plan," Mia said.

"I am going to pretend I understood that," Miles said staring at Mia.

"Now that that's dealt with, let's get going," the captain said walking out of the door, with the team following him.

The team arrived at a large skyscraper in the city. They stopped and looked at the building.

"Are you sure about this?" Miles said looking at the captain.

"No. But we don't have a choice," the captain replied. Connor walked passed them, into the building. Everyone followed him in.

Inside the building, they encountered Erika, Daxton, Lake and Zoe. They were ready to fight the team.

"Crystal, Sarah, find Icicle. The rest of you with me," the captain said.

"I'm going with them too," Connor said, following Sarah and Mia further into the building.

The captain, Colton, Miles and Kane took out their guns. Their enemies had guns too. They started firing at each other, and taking cover behind whatever they could find.

Meanwhile, Vicky was being tortured by Manic. She was injured.

"They're here," Dash said, looking at the screen.

"Everything going according to plan?" Manic asked, walking towards Dash.

"Yes! Connor's going with Sarah and Crystal. They should be at the ambush location in a few minutes," Dash replied.

Vicky heard what Manic and Dash were planning. She was unscrewing the screws holding the chains to the wall. She had successfully removed the chains. She attacked Manic, by wrapping the chain around his neck. Dash took a gun, and shot Vicky.

"Get to the roof. NOW!" Manic said, escaping Vicky.

Vicky did not follow them, as she was determined to rescue the team from the ambush. She looked at the screen, and grabbed her weapons, rushing to aid her friends.

Connor, Mia and Sarah arrived at the ambush location. A large four legged robot approached them.

"What's that?" Mia asked, staring at the robot, as its guns came out of a panel on its shoulders. The robot looked like a large four legged, animal.

The robot started shooting the three of them. The group sprinted to cover. They were separated from each other.

"There's no way we're getting passed that," Sarah said, through her earpiece.

"Oh no! We're getting passed that in seconds," Mia said equipping a rocket launcher.

"MIA! NO!" Sarah shouted, as Mia shot the robot.

The robot exploded, shaking the whole building. Mia crashed into the wall behind her due to the explosion. The building was damaged by the explosion of the robot.

"Everyone okay?" Mia asked. She sprang to her feet, and equipped herself with a normal gun. Sarah and Connor was on the ground too. They were all covered in dust from the concrete of the building collapsing.

"You're more crazy than I remember," Connor said, getting up from the ground.

"A heads up would be better next time," Sarah said. The three of them continued on, up the building.

Vicky was running down the stairs, the whole building shook from the explosion. Even the captain and the group at the bottom of the building felt the shock effect of the explosion.

Mia was taking the lead up the stairs. She came face to face with Vicky at a turn to another set of stairs. Both Vicky, and Mia pointed their weapons at each other. After identifying each other, they proceeded to lower their weapons.

"Hey!" Mia said looking at Vicky.

"Hey! Was that you?" Vicky asked.

"Who else would it be?" Mia asked, with a smirk.

"Where's the captain?" Vicky asked.

"They got held up downstairs," Connor replied.

"Well! We got to stop Manic and Dash. They're on the roof," Vicky said.

Meanwhile, after the explosion, the captain threw out a smoke grenade. The gunfire stopped, as their enemies were confused.

"Where'd they go?" Erika asked, as she stepped out of cover. Daxton, Lake and Zoe followed her lead. They walked towards the place the team was hiding. No one was there.

The captain and the team ambushed them from behind, engaging in hand to hand combat. The captain tried using his powers, but was unable to.

"Powers don't work here," the captain said, kicking Daxton back.

"None of ours work either," Kane replied.

The captain, and Daxton stood facing each other. They charged at each other. The captain defended himself against all of Daxton's attacks.

Kane was fighting Erika, Colton was attacking Zoe, and Miles was fighting Lake. Almost as if on cue, the team defeated them at the same time, and looked at each other.

"Let's go," the captain said, walking up the stairs.

Vicky, Mia, Sarah and Connor, arrived at the door to the roof. They tried opening it, but it was sealed shut. Connor noticed a panel near the door. He opened it, and saw a lever to turn round.

"This should open it," Connor said turning the lever. It was very difficult to turn, but he managed to open it just a bit. Vicky, Mia and Sarah crept through the small opened in the door. Connor tried to get to the door, but the door sealed shut as soon he let gave the lever.

Manic and Dash stood on the roof, almost as if expecting the group to follow them. Manic had the ability jammer in his hand.

"Let's make this fun shall we," Manic said, smashing the jammer on the ground. The sound of a helicopter came from a distance. A helicopter approached the roof, Daemon jumped down from it.

Manic and Daemon took out their swords. Dash took out a dual sided spear.

Vicky took out her sword, Mia had her war hammer out, with Sarah equipping herself with a morning star.

They charged at each other. Manic used his telekinesis to attack Sarah, who defended herself, by making small leaps with her powers. Daemon was attacking Mia with his powers too, but Mia's teleportation aided her to not get attacked.

Vicky looked at Dash. He looked at Manic, and started using telekinesis too. His special ability was to replicate any other player's power, as long as they were using it in close proximity.

Vicky ducked under the things Dash was throwing at her. Manic looked at Dash, and nodded to him, and charged towards Vicky. Vicky defended herself. Manic was too strong for Vicky, but Vicky knew she couldn't use her time freeze, because Dash would be able to replicate it.

"Icicle! Do something," Mia said. The one-minute timer on her power had finished.

"Can't use my powers here. Dash will replicate it," Vicky replied.

"We can't win this without your powers," Mia said, and was attacked by Daemon's special ability. She fell to the ground.

"We need to stick together," Sarah said, walking towards Mia. Vicky followed Sarah to Mia, who sprang to her feet.

Meanwhile, the captain and the group arrived at the door to the rooftop.

"Where's Sarah and Crystal?" the captain asked, looking at Connor.

"On the other side of the door, with Vi- Icicle," Connor said.

"Why are you here? Get the door open," the captain said.

"Someone has to keep the lever turned to get in and out," Connor replied.

"Colton!" the captain said.

Colton used his ability, and made another clone of himself. The clone turned the lever to the door, allowing them to get to the rooftop. They walked towards the girls, and stood their ground with them.

"Captain," Vicky said, nodding at the captain. The captain nodded back at Vicky.

Manic, Dash and Daemon charged towards the team. Vicky and Mia attacked Manic. Manic used his powers, and brought a helicopter crashing into the roof. Vicky and Mia crept through the open doors on the helicopter, to avoid being hurt by the crash. Sarah leapt over the helicopter.

The captain ducked under the tail of the helicopter, Connor stepped away from the helicopter, with Kane, Miles and Colton jumping aside. The helicopter exploded as it slid across the rooftop, and fell off the building.

Manic charged at the team, as they were dazed by what had happened. Connor grabbed Manic, and the captain punched him with his super strength, causing Manic to fall on the ground sliding to the ledge.

Daemon and Dash charged at the team. Miles used his powers, and attacked Dash. The whole team was fighting Dash and Daemon, to defeat them. Eventually the two of them lost to the team, but they gave a good fight.

Manic got back up, and pointed the gun, that could kill players in the real world too at Connor.