Chapter 47 - A Day Off?

Vicky noticed Manic's gun, and threw her boomerang at his hand, knocking the gun out of his hand. Manic tried to grab the gun, but Vicky got to it first. She pointed the gun at Manic.

"You won't do it," Manic said with a smirk, and continued "You don't have it in you."

"Watch me," Vicky said, pulling the trigger.

"Vicky! No!" Connor said, he tried to stop her, but was too late. Manic fell to the ground, with a bullet hole in his head.

The team was staring at Vicky, and Manic. Daemon and Dash were astonished as well. Vicky turned to the team, and gave the gun to the captain, and walked away. Mia followed her. The captain, and Connor were staring at her.

"That was awesome!" Mia said, as they descended the building. Vicky smiled at her.

"You really think everything's over now?" Vicky asked.

"Well! Their team is over, but their plans…" Mia replied.

They arrived at the bottom of the building, and spawned their bikes. Vicky pulled up her hood. Mia returned Vicky's mask.

"Thanks," Vicky said, putting the mask on. The two of them rode off to the safe house.

Meanwhile, the captain and the team were still at Manic's safe house. They secured Daemon and Dash, to be taken away by Raina Corps.

"Let's get out of here before Raina Corps arrives," Connor said. The captain nodded his head, and turned to the team.

"Let's go," the captain said, walking off the rooftop.

The team arrived at the safe house. Mia and Vicky had logged out. Sarah, Miles, Colton and Kane logged out too, leaving the captain and Connor.

"I can't believe she pulled the trigger," Connor said. The captain was about to logout, but stopped. He closed his head-up display.

"She's an adult. She makes her own decisions," the captain replied. Connor sighed, and sat on the sofa.

"What kind of decision is it for a twenty-year-old to kill someone?" Connor asked.

"A dumb one," the captain replied, and continued "She's trying to do what she thinks is right. Just like all of us."

"Or she's angry, and she's making rash decisions," Connor said. The captain sat beside Connor.

"Watching them mess up is always… very stressful," the captain said. He patted Connor's shoulder.

"Let's get out of this game. I need to rest," Connor said, pulling up his head-up display. He and the captain logged out.

Vicky logged out of the game, and lied down on her bed. She was overwhelmed by what happened. After a few minutes, she fell asleep.

The next morning, Vicky woke up, and checked the clock on her nightstand. It was past noon. Vicky glanced at clock, a second time, just to make sure. She got up from the bed, got dressed for the day, and left her room.

Vicky looked around the living room, and couldn't find anyone. Cora was in the kitchen, humming a song, while cleaning.

"Cora! Where is everyone?" Vicky asked.

"Miss Mitchel. Almost everyone is in their rooms after lunch. Max and Mr. Mitchel are at the dock," Cora replied.

Vicky looked at Cora, and smiled. She walked down to the docks. The captain and Connor, were seated on two chairs, with two fishing rods out.

"What are you guys doing?" Vicky asked walking towards them. The captain and Connor both looked at her.

"Just relaxing," Connor replied.

"I never understood what was so relaxing about fishing," Vicky said sitting on the ground, in between Connor and the captain.

"Did you just wake up?" the captain asked.

"Yeah," Vicky replied. She picked a stone up from front of her, and threw it at lake.

"Are you okay?" Connor asked.

"I was just wondering if everything's over now. If we can finally have a normal life," Vicky replied.

"I don't think anything our life is normal at this point," the captain replied. Connor got a phone call. He took his phone out, and walked away while answering the phone.

"Well at least something close to normal," Vicky said. She looked and Connor, and continued "Why does it feel like he's hiding something from me?"

"What?" the captain asked. Vicky smiled and looked at the captain.

"I bet you know what he's hiding, but you don't want to tell me about it," Vicky replied. A vehicle pulled up near the lake house.

"You might want to go see who that is," the captain said. Vicky looked at the captain. She got up, and walked towards the vehicle.

Connor was standing the near the vehicle. Vicky approached Connor, and stood beside him. A family of three got out of the vehicle.

"Uncle Theo!" Vicky said rushing to embrace her uncle. Theo was Vicky's mother brother. He had a son Aiden, who was eighteen.

"Vicky!" Aiden said, hugging Vicky.

"Hey!" Vicky said hugging Aiden back.

"Are you still growing taller?" Aiden asked.

"I'm going to beat you one day," Vicky replied, with a smirk.

"Hi honey!" Vicky's aunt Sophia said. She too hugged Vicky.

"Hey! How's it been?" Theo asked Connor.

"The usual crazy," Connor replied.

"Do you want a hug or not?" Sophia asked Connor, and continued "You know what don't answer that." She hugged Connor. Connor and Sophia were siblings.

"I've really been wondering. Since Uncle Theo and mom are siblings, and dad and Aunt Sophie are siblings. Shouldn't we kind of like turn out to be siblings too. Because we're more closely related?" Aiden asked.

"I bet if Eileen was here. She'd answer that question," Theo replied.

"Mom would have given you a large scientific answer, that you'd wish you never asked the question," Vicky said.

They walked into the house. The captain had come back into the house to get more bait for the fish. Connor introduced the captain to them.

"This is my friend Max. Max this is Theo, and this is my sister Sophia, and my nephew Aiden," Connor said.

"Nice to meet you," the captain said.

"You too," Theo said.

"Want to join us fishing?" the captain asked.

"Sure," Theo said.

"Vic, show them to their room," Connor said, walking away with the captain and Theo.

"Follow me," Vicky said, leading Sophia and Aiden to their rooms.

The captain led Connor and Theo to the docks. Miles was at the dock, getting his fishing rod ready.

"This is Miles, Max's brother. Miles, this is Theo, my sister's husband," Connor said.

"And his wife's brother… and his best friend" Theo added, shaking Miles's hand.

"So you guys married each other's sisters?" Max asked.

"He started it," Theo replied.

"Wha… How old are you?" Connor asked, smiling.

"I've known this him since we were in kindergarten, we were best friends. He used come by my house all the time. A few months after my sister turned eighteen, he comes to me and tells me that he likes me sister," Theo said.

"Well you didn't have to start dating my sister a few months later," Connor said.

"I was just being a good older brother," Theo replied.

"And then you fell in love with her?" Connor asked.

"I liked her before I told you," Theo replied.

"I knew it. You'd always act different in front of Soph," Connor said.

"What about you guys?" Theo asked.

"One of us has better taste than the other," Miles said. The captain glanced at Miles.

"He's talking about me," the captain replied.

Meanwhile, Vicky took Sophia and Aiden to their room. She looked out the window, and saw Connor, Miles, Theo and the captain laughing.

"Looks like their having fun," Vicky said. She was in Aiden's room. Aiden walked to the window.

"What do you think their talking about?" Aiden asked.

"I don't know. Maybe about the biggest fish they caught," Vicky replied.

"You should have seen this fish I once caught. It was six feet long, it had massive fins bigger than its body," Aiden said, imitating a rough voice. Vicky laughed at his actions.

"Want to play the game?" Vicky asked.

"Sure," Aiden replied. Vicky smiled at him, and rushed to her room, to get into the pod.

Vicky woke up in the safe house, and walked out. Her car was not parked outside, causing her to respawn it. Vicky opened a channel to communicate with Aiden.

"Ace!" Vicky said to her earpiece.

"Icicle!" Aiden replied.

"How about we meet at the plaza?" Vicky asked.

"Okay! I'll meet you there," Aiden replied.

Vicky got into her vehicle and drove to the plaza. She got off, and looked around for Aiden, but couldn't see him.

"Ace! I'm at the plaza. I can't find you," Vicky said on her earpiece.

"I'm almost there. I'm bringing one of my friends. He needs your help," Aiden replied, through the earpiece.

Vicky waited and waited, for what felt like an eternity, when eventually Aiden and his friend rode into the parking lot.

"Icicle! This is my friend Neo," Aiden said, introducing his friend.

"The infamous Icicle. I heard you took down Manic. He wasn't even able to respawn. He must be starting the game all over again," Neo said.

"I wouldn't believe everything I hear," Vicky replied, and continued "Ace said you needed my help."

"Yes. There's a mission I need completed. There's this new world at the plaza, where there's a special sword hidden. It is known to be enchanted. The only problem is that no one has managed to even get near it," Neo said.