Chapter 48 - The Mission of the Enchanted Sword

"That doesn't seem like a mission only I can complete," Vicky replied, after Neo explained the whole mission to her.

"Well you have time to think about it. Ace knows where to find me," Neo said.

"I will think about," Vicky replied.

"I need to get back. I hope to see you soon," Neo said looking at Vicky. He got on his bike, and left.

"What do you think? A cool mission, right?" Aiden asked turning to Vicky.

"The mission of the enchanted sword? Are you crazy? Even my crazy best friend knows to stay away from that mission," Vicky replied.

"Come on! It would be fun. Uncle Connor could help us too. It would be great family bonding time," Aiden said.

"First we need to talk to the captain. He's in charge of the team. All I can do is beg Crystal to come along with us. With the team, maybe we'll have a chance," Vicky replied.

"Okay. Then let's go ask them," Aiden said. He rushed onto his bike, taking off to his safe house. Vicky returned to her safe house too. She logged out, and found Aiden standing out of her room.

"How did you….? Never mind… Just follow my lead when we're asking the captain," Vicky said, leading Aiden to the docks.

The captain, Miles, Connor and Theo were seated with their fishing lines in the water. They were having a conversation, which Vicky and Aiden interrupted.

"What are you guys doing here?" Connor asked, looking at Vicky and Aiden.

"Last time we went fishing, you two threw the biggest tantrums. So what changed your minds?" Theo asked.

"We need help with the mission of the enchanted sword," Aiden blurted. Vicky looked at Aiden.

"What?" the captain asked, breaking the brief silence. He looked at Vicky for an explanation.

"One of his friends approached me with a mission, to retrieve the enchanted sword," Vicky replied.

"And you said yes?" the captain asked.

"I told him I'll think about it. I'm not stupid," Vicky replied.

"What's the enchanted sword?" Connor asked, looking at the captain.

"It's a new mission in the game. No one has managed to retrieve the sword, and there's a reason for that," the captain said, turning his gaze from Connor to Vicky.

"It'll be a cool adventure," Aiden added.

"Are you sure this wasn't your idea?" Connor asked Vicky.

"I swear I had nothing to do with it," Vicky replied.

"What's the catch?" Connor asked.

"You can't logout, unless you die, or retrieve the sword," Vicky replied.

"You do know that it's a full blown out warzone there, right?" the captain asked.

"I know what I'm getting myself into. Just explain that to him," Vicky said pointing at Aiden.

"Are you even considering this?" the captain asked.

"No," Vicky replied.

"So then why are we talking about this?" Connor asked. Vicky sighed and looked at Aiden.

"Please. I've never been on such a cool mission. Please?" Aiden begged.

"Why do you want to get yourself into trouble, when we came out here to relax?" Theo asked.

"Dad! This is relaxing. It's having fun," Aiden replied.

"Could you please listen to the adults for once," Theo said.

"I'm an adult too," Aiden said.

"Fine! Let's go pros and cons," Vicky said.

"Pros, we get the sword," Aiden said.

"Cons, we get stuck in the game until we die," Vicky said.

"Pros, we'll get famous," Aiden said.

"Con, we literally have to die to get out of there," Vicky said, and continued "We have to fight all the players and NPCs in the game."

"Why do you always think about the negative side of things?" Aiden asked.

"Cause then you know what would go wrong if you mess up," Vicky replied.

"Are you even on my side in this?" Aiden asked.

"I'm on the side where I don't want to lose anyone else I care about," Vicky replied.

"Today is almost over. Let's discuss this tomorrow," Theo said, looking at Aiden. Aiden looked at Theo, and then at Vicky, and walked into the house. Vicky looked at Aiden walk off.

"Make sure he doesn't do anything stupid," Connor said, looking at Vicky. She stared at Connor, and walked into the house.

"Aiden!" Vicky said, running up to him.

"What?" Aiden asked. He stormed into his room, with Vicky following him.

"I don't want to lose you too," Vicky replied, looking at Aiden.

"I just want to have fun. I want to be cool like you and Leo," Aiden said.

"Aiden. You are cool. You're probably the coolest of all three of us. Like that time, you finished up that mini game of calculations. Or that other time, you gobbled down that food in the restaurant, winning free food for all of us," Vicky said.

"I almost threw up after that. Dad thought I might need to go to hospital after eating too much," Aiden replied.

"See you don't need to try to be cool. You're cool the way you are," Vicky said.

The next morning Vicky woke up to a loud, urgent knock on the door. Vicky got up from the bed, walking lazily to the door. She opened the door. Connor was outside the door.

"Aiden went to get the enchanted sword," Connor said.

"What?" Vicky asked sleepily.

"Aiden went to get the enchanted sword. Soph found him in the pod. Sarah tracked him in the world of the enchanted sword," Connor replied.

"I thought I made it clear to him…," Vicky said with a sigh.

"The teams getting ready to go," Connor said.

"I'll talk to Mia, ask if she wants to come," Vicky said.

"Okay," Connor said. He was about to walk away.

"Dad!" Vicky called out.

"What?" Connor asked, turning to her. Vicky hugged her father. Connor was taken by surprise, but hugged her back.

"I'll call Mia, and meet you guys in the game," Vicky said. Connor nodded his head, and walked away.

Vicky took a phone call to Mia. She explained the whole situation to Mia. Once the call was over, Vicky opened the pod. She looked at her room, and stepped into the pod, waking in the game world.

Vicky spawned in the safe house, and walked towards the living room. The captain, Connor, Miles, Kane, Colton, Sarah and Mia was waiting for her. They all walked out of the safe house. They went to the plaza, where they could enter into the world of the enchanted sword. There was a small queue of people waiting to step into the portal. Once their chance came, they stepped into the portal, one by one.

The world of the enchanted sword looked much beautiful than they expected. The sky was dark with stars glistening. The moon was the only source of light.

The portal spawned each team member away from each other. They all fell from the sky, and landed on their feet. Despite the great fall, none of them were injured.

"Everyone make it here?" the captain asked through his earpiece.

"I'm here," Sarah replied, through her earpiece.

"Here," Connor replied too. Everyone communicated through their earpiece to let the rest of the team know that they had arrived safely.

"Where's our guns?" Mia asked, through her earpiece. Vicky looked at her gun holster, it was empty. Her boomerang, karambits and sword were still with her.

"I don't have my guns either," Colton replied.

"Me neither," Sarah said.

"None of do. All we have are our melee weapons," Vicky replied.

"What?" Mia asked.

"My sword, karambits and boomerang are still here," Vicky replied.

"How come none of you knew that guns won't be allowed here?" Connor asked.

"Maybe because none of us has ever been here before," Mia replied.

Despite being scattered, the team was in the same area. They decided to find a vantage point, and meet there. The area the team landed in was a dense forest, making it impossible to see farther than a few feet. The only vantage point they saw was an old cottage on a mountain.

Vicky walked through the forest, towards the cottage. She heard the sound of leaves rustling. Vicky scanned the area around her. She walked a bit further, and heard the sound again. She looked around her surroundings once more, but couldn't find anything.

A person dressed in animal armour, with a skull mask, ambushed Vicky from the trees. Vicky fell to the ground. She took her karambit, and tried to stab her attacker, but her enemies armour was too strong. After a struggle with the ambusher, Vicky kicked him off of her. She sprang to her feet and pulled out her sword.

"An intruder!" the masked ambusher said. His voice was hoarse and eerie, almost as if he was dead.

The attacker took out two large swords, and attacked Vicky. Vicky defended herself from the attacker. She managed to defeat it.

"Guys! Be careful, these woods might be filled with ambushers," Vicky said on her earpiece. Vicky did not get a response from the team. She pressed the button on her earpiece and asked "Hello?". There was still no response, until she started hearing static.

Vicky looked at the trees, checking if there were more ambushers. She got hit with a dart on her neck. She pulled it out as soon as possible, but fell unconscious.