Chapter 52 - The Battle of Nefarius, and Its Secrets

Vicky, Connor, Mia, Aiden, the captain, and the rest of the team stood on the frontlines along with Colby, and Helen. They were inside the walls of the city. Arrows were flying over the walls, but the walls were not breached yet.

Colby gave the order to the gatekeeper to open the gate. As the gate opened, King Edmund rode his horse into the city. He had a large war hammer that he used to attack the infantry. Colby got on his horse too, and attacked King Edmund. The team stood around the gate, attacking anyone who tried to pass through.

The plan was to open the gates to the city, and get the whole army to enter through the gates. Not many soldiers were able to enter at the same time, due to the size of the gates. With this advantage, the small army King Colby had was able to take down most of King Edmund's army.

Vicky was good with her sword, after all the practise she had. Vicky defeated her enemy, and looked around. Everything was in slow motion for her. She saw Mia swing her war hammer, and take out two soldiers. The captain, and Connor were working together.

Vicky turned to Aiden, and realised he was struggling to defeat his attackers. Vicky sprang into action, and attacked the five soldiers teaming up on Aiden. She attacked each soldier one at a time.

"Thanks!" Aiden said, nodding his head. Vicky nodded back, and carried on attacking the other soldiers.

After a while of fighting, King Edmund and his troops retreated out of the city. The casualties of the battle were large for King Edmund's army. Colby's army had a few casualties.

Vicky stood looking around her. There were bodies of soldiers, most were from Edmund's army, and some from Colby's too.

"We should get ready for another attack. Once King Gunther arrives, they might attack again," Colby said, turning to the team.

Everyone was tired after the battle. Colby led the team into the castle, where they ate and rested.

Vicky finished eating, and walked to her chambers, while leaving the room, she heard a soldier talking to Colby.

"Sir, we lost fifty soldiers, and ten civilians, to the battle," the soldier said.

Vicky stayed quiet, and walked off to her chambers. She didn't even talk to any members of the team after the battle.

Once in her chambers, Vicky sat on her bed, and heard a knock on the door.

"Come in," Vicky said. Mia walked into the chambers.

"Hey!" Mia said, walking towards Vicky.

"Hey!" Vicky replied.

"Are you okay?" Mia asked.

"Yeah! It's just that I've been thinking about the quest. Helen gave me a journal she found, about the enchanted weapon. It said something about the chosen one being able to tame the weapon. And then dad was like maybe it's not a weapon. What if that… thing that helped us to defeat the zombies is the enchanted weapon?" Vicky asked.

"We'll never know until we find it," Mia replied, and continued "It is a good theory though."

"Why did you come here? You need something?" Vicky asked.

"I came to see how you were doing. I thought something happened to you. Or you were upset or something. I was really worried about you. And you're just thinking about some… quest," Mia replied.

"Why were you worried about me?" Vicky asked.

"You were quiet while eating. You looked like a robot," Mia replied.

"What? You think I haven't killed people in the game before?" Vicky asked.

"No. Anyways the battle was awesome. Did you see how I swung my hammer and knocked out two guys at once?" Mia asked.

"Yes I saw that," Vicky replied.

Someone knocked on the doors to Vicky's chambers. Vicky opened the door. Helen was standing outside.

"The army is retreating," Helen said.

"What?" Vicky asked.

"Follow me," Helen said. Mia and Vicky followed Helen to the walls of the city.

King Edmund's army was setting up their things, and leaving. Colby was on the walls too, and walked towards the trio.

"We won the battle. We couldn't have done it without you, and your friends," Colby said, looking at Vicky.

"It was fun helping you… your highness," Mia said.

"Call me Colby. We're friends now," Colby said, and continued "Helen, you said you were aiding the chosen one in the quest of the enchanted weapon, right?"

"Yes! Mother said it was the only way to defeat King Gunther," Helen replied.

"There's something I need to show you. I suggest getting some rest today. We'll leave first thing in the morning tomorrow," Colby said, and walked away from the three of them.

The team spent the whole day in the city. The next morning, Vicky woke up, and walked out of her chambers. She met up with the team at the courtyard of the castle.

"Do you trust this guy?" the captain asked Vicky.

"No. Keep your guard up," Vicky said, walking towards Colby.

"What did you want to show us?" Helen asked.

"Follow me," Colby said. He walked towards a door in the courtyard. He opened the door, and walked into a room lit with torches. He opened a chained compartment on the ground. It led to a staircase.

"What's down there?" Helen asked.

"It's the way to the enchanted weapon. We've been protecting it for years. Not that it needs protection. Not everyone can get passed, to even see the enchanted weapon. Many have gone down these steps, and never returned," Colby replied.

"How can we trust you?" Mia asked.

"I thought we were friends. And you can trust friends," Colby replied.

"The only friend I have here is Icicle," Mia said. The captain and Connor looked at her. "Aww! Did I hurt your feelings," Mia asked, with a pouty face.

"I trust him. He would never lie to me," Helen said.

"You sure?" Vicky asked.

"Yes," Helen replied.

"Well then! After you," Vicky said.

Helen looked at Vicky, and walked down the steps. Vicky nodded her head to Colby, and followed Helen. The whole team went down the steps. The steps led the team through a dark passage.

As the team walked through the passage, they saw an opening. A strong breeze blew through the passage, extinguishing the torch. The team followed passage, until it ended and took them to a forest.

The trees in the forest were glistening. It was night in the forest. There were small insects that resembled fireflies.

"Wow!" Aiden exclaimed. He touched the glowing leaves on the trees, and continued "This is incredible."

A loud roar came from the center of the forest. Aiden gasped at the sound, he accidentally pulled a leaf from the tree. The tree's branch lashed out at Aiden.

"AARGH!" Aiden screamed, falling on his back. Vicky cut the branch away from Aiden.

"Next time, please listen to Crystal, and stop touching anything you find beautiful," Vicky said. She gave out her hand. Aiden grabbed Vicky's hand, and she pulled him back on his feet. The tree took it's branch back into its bark.

The roar was heard again, but this time, it was much closer to them.

"Whatever that was… it's coming towards us," Kane said. He glanced around the forest. The roar echoed in the forest once more. It was much closer than earlier.

"Everyone make a defensive circle now!" the captain ordered. The team came together, their backs facing each other. They had their weapons out.

The sound of a large creature running towards them was closing in on them. Unaware what they were up against, the team stood as silently as they could. A large roar came from the left of them, and a large beast attacked their defensive circle. The team moved out of it's way, breaking their circle. Now the beast was in the center, with them surrounding it.

The beast was large, it glowed red, with red eyes. Despite being boxed in, the large beast was undaunted by the team.

"That's a Verawtaurus!" Helen said, holding her sword out towards the beast.

"How'd they get here?" Miles asked.

"I think a much better question is… Where is 'here'?" Connor said.

"I don't know the answers to your questions," Helen replied.

The beast started digging with his rear foot. It turned towards what it thought was the weakest member of the circle, and attacked Aiden. Mia was close to Aiden, she swung her war hammer before it reached Aiden. The beast was unharmed. It simply turned to Mia.

"Worth the shot," Mia said, as the beast bit her in half.

"Crystal!" Vicky said, reaching out her hand.

Mia's body disintegrated. She spawned outside the portal in the plaza. Noticing the amount of Raina Corps soldiers, and the scientists around the portal. She used her teleportation to teleport out of the plaza. She teleported to a less crowded area, and back to the safe house.

Mia had no idea what was going on in the plaza. She checked the in-game news on her gauntlet. She gasped as she read an article about the portal. The article said that the portal didn't teleport any players to the world of the enchanted sword, making it confusing, even for Raina Corps.