Chapter 53 - The Enchanted Weapon

The Verawtaurus was terrorising the team. It had a large tail, which it swung at the team, while trying to bite on them too.

"Uh… Helen. Now would be a good time to let us know how to kill a Verawtaurus," Vicky said, ducking under the Verawtuarus's large tail.

"They're afraid of fire," Helen replied.

"Anyone mastered the technique of hitting two stones to make fire?" Miles asked.

"Ace!" Vicky said.

"I'm on it," Aiden said. He walked away from the fight, and started searching for stones. "There we go," Aiden said, finding the stones he was searching for. He started hitting the stones together.

The team carried on the fight. Connor saw the sparks flying from Aiden's stones, and noticed he didn't have anything that would catch fire below the stones.

"Kid! Keep something below the stones, so it would catch fire," Connor shouted, while aiding the team to attack the Verawtaurus.

Aiden scrambled around, looking for something to make the fire. Helen ran up to Aiden, with paper she had. Aiden kept the paper below the stones. Before the paper caught fire. Another roar rang across the forest.

The Verawtaurus was still attacking the team. Vicky was standing face to face with the Verawtaurus, as it knocked down the rest of the team. The Verawtaurus was ready to charge at Vicky. Vicky held up her sword. The Verawtaurus charged at Vicky, but before it could get close to her, another beast jumped at the Verawtaurus grabbing it by the neck.

The Verawtaurus ran off, as the other beast roared.

"What is that?" Miles asked. The team walked towards it with their swords drawn. Vicky jumped in front of the beast, defending it.

"Stop! He's a friend. He helped get rid of the zombies!" Vicky said. The beast turned towards Vicky, and blew smoke from it's nostrils.

"If he's a friend… Why does it look like it's about to attack you?" Colton asked.

Vicky turned towards the beast. It kept blowing smoke from it's nostrils, and charged towards Vicky. She took her sword out. The beast pushed Vicky on the ground, and started licking her face. It had a blue split tongue. Vicky's face was covered in blue spit.

"Eww!" Vicky said, after the beast stepped back. Vicky touched her face, and saw the blue spit on her fingers.

"So it is a friend," the captain said, putting his sword away.

"The enchanted weapon," Helen said, looking at the beast, and continued "It's not a sword."

Vicky looked at the beast, who kept it's paw on her shoulder. The beast's nails dug into Vicky's shoulder. Vicky held her shoulder, as the beast took it's paw off her. It bit a small wound into its paw, and kept its paw back on her shoulder. The beast's smoke like blood touched Vicky's.

A blue glowing, smoke surrounded the beast and Vicky. The smoke lifted Vicky and the beast off the ground, Vicky's eyes turned light blue. The smoke kept Vicky back on the ground, and her eyes turned back to normal. Vicky fell on her knees clenching her wrist in pain.

"Vicky!" Connor said, rushing to Vicky. He looked at Vicky's wrist. A mark was burning itself onto Vicky's hand. It looked like the beast. Once the mark was made, Vicky's eyes turned light blue. The beast turned into smoke, and went into the mark on Vicky's wrist. The mark was just below the tattoo of the snowflakes Vicky got.

Vicky's eyes turned back to normal. She got up and looked at everyone, and the mark on her wrist.

"What just happened?" Vicky asked.

"Try checking your gauntlet. Maybe you got a new power?" Aiden said, walking back towards the group.

Vicky opened her gauntlet, and saw a new option in her powers tab.

"There's a summoning option on my power tab," Vicky replied.

"So you can summon the beast now?" Aiden asked.

"I don't know," Vicky replied.

The team started to disintegrate, one at a time.

"What's happening?" Aiden asked.

"We finished the quest. I guess this is our way back to the main game," Sarah replied.

"It was an honour to serve you and your friends, chosen one," Helen replied.

The team disintegrated, and spawned out of the portal, in the plaza. They were overwhelmed by the Raina Corp soldiers, at the entrance of the portal.

"So you guys are the cause of this anomaly," Claire said, walking towards the team.

"What anomaly?" the captain asked.

"I'm afraid we don't work with criminals," Wyatt said, accompanying Claire.

"I suggest you back off," Vicky said, stepping forward.

"We have a time freeze jammer. The only way out of here is with us," Wyatt replied.

The area around the portal had been evacuated previously, and there were no other players to witness the events of the portal.

Soldiers surrounded the team, holding their guns at them. The team took out their weapons, their guns were back too. They had the weapons from the world of the enchanted sword too.

"We're not going anywhere with you," Connor said, attacking the soldiers surrounding them.

More soldiers came running towards the team. Wyatt was fighting too, with Claire watching.

The fight went on for a while. Despite defeating the soldiers, more kept coming.

"How do they have so many soldiers?" Kane asked, looking at Miles.

"Do I look like Sarah to you?" Miles asked.

"There's too many of them," Colton said, pushing back a soldier.

There were bullets flying around too. Vicky kept dodging most of them, but was hit by one. She got angry, and used her new powers of summoning the beast.

Vicky's eyes turned blue, and the beast came out of the mark on her hand like smoke. It stood beside Vicky, and fought with her.

Both the team, and their enemies were astonished by the beast. It attacked the soldiers in mere minutes, ripping them into pieces.

There were no soldiers left, just Wyatt and Claire. Vicky called back the beast, and it went into the mark. Her eyes turned back to normal.

"What was that?" Claire asked. She looked at Vicky and the captain.

"The enchanted weapon," Vicky replied. She walked towards Claire. Claire backed away from Vicky, and fell to the ground. "It's fine. We're friends, right?" Vicky asked, holding out her hand.

Claire looked at Vicky's hand, and held it. Vicky pulled Claire back on her feet.

"That was... scary," Claire replied. She looked at the ground, and took a deep breath.

"Wasn't the weapon supposed to be a sword?" Wyatt asked, looking at the captain, and then at Connor.

"We thought so too. Turns out it wasn't," the captain replied.

"Wasn't that the same beast that helped you guys defeat the zombies?" Claire asked.

"Yes," Vicky replied.

"It was less scary when it was just lying down in the barracks," Claire said.

"Everything's less scary when it's docile," Mia said, walking towards the group. She looked around at the dead bodies and asked "What did I miss?"

"Everything," Vicky replied.

"Sir. Reinforcements are coming to your location now!" A soldier said on Wyatt's earpiece.

"You guys need to go now. Reinforcements are coming. We'll tell them that you escaped," What said. He looked at Connor and continued "Good to see you around too."

Connor nodded his head to Wyatt. The team left the plaza before reinforcements could arrive. They returned back to the safe house, with Aiden too.

"Whoa! This place is so cool," Aiden said, looking around the safe house.

"I don't get it. Why does everyone say that? There's nothing different about this safe house," Vicky said.

"We should probably log out now," Miles said.

"How long do you think we've been in the game?" Colton asked.

"Probably a day?" Kane replied.

"It might have been a day in the game, but I'm not sure about the time in real life," Sarah replied.

"Miles is right. We need to get some rest, and go back, so that everyone knows that we're fine," the captain said.

"Yep, especially you, young man," Connor said, keeping his hand on Aiden's shoulder. He then continued "Theo and Soph were really worried about you."

"Oh no. Mom and dad are going to kill me," Aiden said.

"I've got to go too. Mom and Ray might need me. Hit me up if something cool happens. Oh and hit me up to tell me about your new powers too," Mia said disintegrating.

The rest of the team logged out of the game too.

Vicky woke up in the pod. She was very tired and sleepy. She walked out of her room, to Aiden's.

"Aiden. Your back," Sophia said, hugging Aiden. Tears came down her cheeks, as she hugged her son. Theo was really happy to see Aiden too.

Vicky stood in the distance, watching her cousin reunite with his family. Vicky was smiling, when Connor approached her.

"Hey! Everything okay?" Connor asked, looking at Vicky, and then followed her gaze to Aiden and his family.

"Yeah. I'm actually fine for once. I'm happy," Vicky said, and then turned to Connor, continuing "At least some people get happy reunions with their families."

"Our reunion was not happy?" Connor asked.

"How was it 'happy'?" Vicky asked. She crossed her arms and stared at her father, and continued "You killed Leo's best friend. Plus, it wasn't even a reunion. It was you following me, knowing that I was alive. But you didn't want to let me know. So no… it wasn't a reunion."

Vicky walked back to her room. Connor looked at Vicky, and back at Aiden, Theo and Sophia.