Chapter 54 - Old Friends Need Help

One month passed after the mission of the enchanted weapon. The team stayed out of the radar in the game until Raina Corps moved on to other problems.

Vicky got dressed, after getting ready for the day. There was a large storm outside. The sky looked like a coat of gray fog. Rain dripped down the windows of Vicky's room.

"Hey! Do you have any plans today?" the captain asked, walking into Vicky's room, through the open door.

"Actually, no. I have no idea what to do today. Mia's got some work to do. Aiden went with dad and uncle Theo to get stuff to secure the house from the storm. And I'm just here," Vicky said. She was lying on her bed, staring at the ceiling.

"One of the people in the neighbourhood needs help with getting their house ready for the storm. He's downstairs," the captain replied.

"Ok. I'll come," Vicky said. She lazily slumped up on her bed, and followed the captain downstairs.

"Let's go," the captain said, after introducing Vicky to the young man who was standing in the living room. He seemed to be the same age as Vicky.

The captain got into his vehicle with Vicky.

"What was his name again?" Vicky asked, after the captain drove off after the neighbour's pick-up truck.

"Jackson!" the captain replied.

"I hope I don't awkwardly forget his name," Vicky said.

"You've been calling me 'captain' since we met. I doubt you'll be embarrassed by forgetting someone's name" the captain replied.

"I call you 'captain' because it sounds cool. Like haven't you seen cool characters being called 'captain'?" Vicky asked.

They drove for a while. The captain kept looking at the rear view mirror a lot, and then turned around, to spot a vehicle following them for some time.

"That car's following us, and we've been circling around the neighbourhood for a while," the captain said. He looked at Vicky, who was almost asleep on the passenger seat.

"What?" Vicky asked. She raised her head from the window, and looked from the side mirrors. She then said "There is a vehicle behind us."

"Something's not right. I'm going to pull up here. Stay in the car," the captain said, taking a gun from the glove box.

The captain's phone began to ring. He looked at the number, and then at Vicky.

"Unknown number?" Vicky asked. The captain nodded his head, and answered the phone, without saying anything.

"Max. It's me, Claire. Just pull up on the side. We need to talk," Claire said on the phone.

Vicky was staring at the captain's reactions.

"Who was it?" Vicky asked, as soon as the captain kept his phone.

"Claire!" the captain replied. He pulled up on the side of the road. The pick-up truck they were following stopped with them too.

"What's going on?" Vicky asked. She looked at the pick-up truck, and back at the car that was following them.

Jackson got out of his vehicle, and walked towards the captain's car.

"Stay in the car," the captain ordered. He took his gun, and stepped out of the car.

Claire helped Wyatt out of the car that was following them.

"Max!" Claire said, helping her father.

Vicky got out of the car, to see what was going on.

"Didn't I tell you to stay in the car?" the captain asked, looking at Vicky.

"What's going on?" Vicky asked, looking at Claire. "Caiden, he brought them to Raina Corps. They took over the whole building, and… Caiden shot dad," Claire said.

The captain helped Wyatt into the back seat of his car. Claire was holding her father's hand, while the captain checked his gunshot wound. Vicky stood looking at them, unaware of what to do.

"We need to get you to a hospital," the captain said.

"Caiden might be searching for us, it's not safe," Wyatt replied. He coughed up blood.

"Then we've got to get you to the lake house," the captain said. Vicky looked at the captain. Claire got into the back seat of the car. The captain was about to get into the car too, when he noticed Vicky glaring at him.

"Are you sure about this?" Vicky asked.

"I trust them," the captain said, getting into the car. Vicky was not happy, but she too got into the car.

Jackson got into the pick-up truck, and followed them back to the lake house.

The captain helped Wyatt into the lake house. Connor, Aiden and Theo had come back. Miles was with them too.

"What happened?" Miles asked, rushing to aid them.

Connor arranged the couch for Wyatt. Vicky was standing in the back, watching what was happening. She stared intensely at Wyatt and Claire.

"Vicky, get some ice," Connor said, looking at Vicky.

Vicky stood there frozen, staring at what was going on. She couldn't hear anything they were saying. It was like she was watching a movie in slow motion. She could see their mouths shaking, but couldn't hear anything.

She could feel her chest getting heavy. She could barely breathe. Connor was still shouting at her. Vicky was soaked in water, which was dripping on the wood floor.

Connor looked angrily at Vicky, and walked to the fridge. He got the ice, and gave it to the captain. Vicky was still staring at her, when she felt her phone vibrate. Vicky took her phone out, and wiped the screen clear of the water drops that fell from her hair.

"Hello!" Vicky said in a soft voice.

"Vicky! THEY FOUND US!" Mia screamed on the phone.

"Who?" Vicky asked. "Who found you?"

"RAY RUN!" Mia screamed, a large thud came from the phone.

"Hello?!" Vicky asked. She walked out to the patio, pacing it.

"Vicky!" Dash said, picking up Mia's phone.

"Dash!" Vicky said, stopping at the center of the patio.

"You want your friend back… alive, you better come alone. I'll send you the location," Dash said, and continued "You bring someone with you. I'll kill them all. Don't try anything funny. Because this time I'm serious," Dash said, cutting the line.

Vicky got a message straight after, with a picture of Mia, Rachel and Mrs Wilson tied up. She got their location, with another threat to come alone.

Vicky looked inside the lake house. The captain, Connor, and pretty much everyone was busy with Wyatt. Vicky even saw Connor bring in a blanket for Claire, since her clothes were soaked.

Vicky looked at her own clothes, which were soaked from the harsh rain too. Her hands were shivering from the cold. Vicky walked into the house, and grabbed the keys to Connor's car, which was on the table.

Vicky looked at Connor and the captain one last time, hoping that they'll notice her, but it was to no avail. They were too busy with Wyatt and Claire, to even notice her.

Vicky walked out of the lake house with the keys in her hand. She put the key in the lock of the car, and unlocked the car. She took the keys out, and looked at her hand shivering. The water poured down on her with no mercy. The rain slipped down her face and hands, while thunder roared in the sky.

Vicky got into the car, put the key in the ignition. She looked once more into the house, everyone was surrounding Wyatt. She turned the key to start the engine.

The loud sound of the engine was heard inside the lake house. Connor looked up through the window. The captain and him ran out. Vicky pressed the accelerator too hard, which caused the car to skid a bit, before she got control of the car, and drove off.

"Vicky!" Connor said, and then looked at the captain.

"I have no idea what she's doing," the captain said. He tossed his car keys at Connor and said "Bring her back in one piece." He then rushed into the house.

Connor looked at the captain, and ran to the car, taking off after Vicky.

Vicky noticed the captain's car following her. Her phone rang, and it was from Connor.

"Stop following me," Vicky said, answering the call. She was driving recklessly, which was more dangerous than usual because of the wet road.

"Could you just stop? What's going on? Can we just talk? And can you stop driving so recklessly, it's a wet day," Connor said.

"I don't have time to stop. Why can't you just stop following me?" Vicky asked.

Connor tried to get in front of her car, but she swerved towards Connor.

"Just let me talk to you," Connor said. He somehow managed to get in front of Vicky's car and brought her car to a stop.

Vicky stormed out of the car towards Connor. He got out of the car, and stood in front of her.

"GET OUT OF THE ROAD!" Vicky screamed. She stormed towards him.

"Where are you going in such a hurry. There's a storm coming. You think it's safe to be on the road now?" Connor asked, as lightning struck a tree near the road. The tree fell on the road, a few metres away from them.

Connor grabbed Vicky, and crouched down, to protect her from the debris of the tree.

"How am I supposed to get there now?" Vicky said, holding her head. Her hands started to shiver. She sat on the ground, leaning on the captain's car next to them, and covered her face, crying.