Chapter 58 - Mistakes Have Consequences Too (Part 2)

"Vicky… Mia killed people in real life," Connor said. He tried to calm down.

"Dad! It's not her fault, it was a mistake. She didn't know the gun would kill them in real life too," Vicky replied.

"Mistakes have consequences too," the captain responded. He crossed his hands on his chest.

"So what are you guys going to do now? Tell Mia's mom about what happens? Give her up to Raina Corps?" Vicky asked.

"Why would we do either of that? We're not monsters," Connor replied.

"We just want to make sure that you don't get into trouble," the captain said.

"And that's all you kids keep doing," Connor added.

"It's supposed to be just a game. That's what games are about. Getting into trouble, and then getting out of whatever trouble you're in," Vicky replied.

"Vicky! This game is getting out of hand. Trouble in the game is trouble in real life. Next time, come to us before you decide to do anything in the game," Connor said.

"Isn't that how a team works?" the captain asked, staring at Vicky.

"Okay! Next time, I'll come to you guys first," Vicky said, after thinking deeply, and then continued, "That being said. Do you think it's better if we get rid of Caiden and Alex… forever?"

"What?" Connor asked.

"I mean look at it, as long as they're alive, we keep getting attacked. They know who we actually are. How is that even safe for us?" Vicky asked.

"Vicky! Every enemy knows everything about you. If they don't, they'll make sure they do. It's up to you to prove them wrong. Show them that those weaknesses they thought they could exploit, are actually the strengths that give you hope," the captain replied.

Vicky looked at the captain, and then at Connor. The words the captain said, sunk into her heart.

"How is trauma supposed to be a strength?" Vicky asked. She glanced at the captain, and then at Connor. The two of them glanced at each other's faces, and back at Vicky.

"Vicky!" Connor said he sat next to Vicky, and put his arm on her shoulder, and continued "Traumatic events in our lives do make us stronger. We just have to move past it."

"When we haven't moved past it, it's almost as if there's no way out. But there's always a way out. And that's what makes you stronger. Have hope kid, because in the end, you'll find your way out of everything," the captain said, keeping his hand on Vicky's shoulder.

"Thanks!" Vicky said. She smiled at Connor and the captain, and hugged them both.

"Now let's go talk to Mia. You come along too," the captain said.

They walked out of the room, Aiden was standing outside.

"Where's Mia?" Connor asked.

"I think she's in her room," Aiden replied.

"We need to talk to the three of you. Come on," Connor said. Aiden followed behind them.

They arrived outside Mia's room. The door was shut. Vicky looked at Connor and the captain and knocked on the door.

"Come in," Mia said.

Vicky opened the door, and all four of them walked in. Mia glanced at everyone's faces.

"What's this?" Mia asked. She was on her bed texting, and dropped her phone immediately.

Connor locked the door behind them, and turned to the captain.

"We need to talk about what happened at the lab," the captain said.

"What about the lab? People died in the game and in real life too," Mia replied.

"I think there's more to it," the captain said. Mia looked at Vicky, who raised her eyebrow and nodded her head.

Mia sighed, and sat on the side of the bed.

"Turns out the gun Vicky was holding was able to kill people in real life," Mia said. She stared at the ground.

"You do know that your actions have consequences, right?" the captain asked.

"Please don't tell my mom. She has enough problems already. I don't want her to worry about me too," Mia begged.

"We're not telling your mother anything. It's just that the three of you are not allowed in the game, without one of us accompanying you. That means we make the plans now," the captain said, pointing at Conor and himself.

"But we're adults too. And you're not my parents. So you don't get to tell me what to do," Mia said, getting up from the bed. She walked towards the captain as she threatened him.

"I could tell your mother," the captain replied, not backing down.

"Go ahead. Tell her. Watch what would happen to you," Mia said. She wasn't backing down either.

"Mia!" Vicky said.

"Don't tell me what to do," Mia said, and threw her pocket knife at Vicky.

Vicky grabbed the handle of the knife, and stared at it wide eyed. She was astonished by her own reflexes. Mia stood in shock too.

"How did you…" Aiden asked, and was interrupted by Mia.

"...Do that?" Mia said, completing Aiden's sentence.

"I have no idea!" Vicky said, staring at the knife in her hand.

"Give me that," Connor said, taking the knife from Vicky. He turned to Mia and asked "What's wrong with you?"

"I… I can't control myself when I get angry," Mia said. She looked at Connor, and sat defeatedly on the bed.

"Dad!" Vicky said. Connor looked at her, and she nodded sideways.

"I need to take my meds, but I couldn't grab them before leaving the house. So… I'm getting worse," Mia said. She started biting her nails.

"I think it's better if we tell your mother about this. She'll know what to do," Connor said.

"Tell her what? That I killed people? That I almost killed my best friend because I got angry?" Mia asked.

"We'll tell her you had a small incident after you got angry," the captain replied.

"We could tell her that you almost punched me in the face, after you got angry," Vicky replied.

"Let's go with Vicky's interpretation," Mia said, as she slumped on the bed.