Chapter 59 - A New Emergency

Vicky, Mia, Aiden Connor and the captain were in Mia's room, when Miles rushed in through the door.

"There you two are. We've got a problem," Miles said.

Connor and the captain looked at each other, and followed Miles.

"Wait! We're coming too," Mia said.

"No. You two stay here. Vicky come on," the captain said. Vicky looked at Aiden and Mia, and then followed the captain.

"What's going on?" Connor asked, as they followed Miles.

"Sarah was checking a live stream from one of the players in the game. Caiden is using Raina Corps to attack all the players. He wants to save the minds of all the players, like they did to Clara," Miles said.

"How?" Vicky asked.

"There's two ways to do it. You need to get the person to Raina Corps, before they die. Or you have to capture players in the game, and throw them into this large machine. You want proper explanations, ask Sarah," Miles replied. Vicky nodded her head.

The team was in the living room, they were getting ready to attack Raina Corps in the real world.

"We're going to need someone in the game too. Someone has to protect the other players, so that they won't get captured," Sarah said. She had her eyes straight on Vicky.

"I can't protect everyone by myself. I'm gonna need everyone I can get," Vicky said looking at the captain.

"Take Mia and Aiden, it's an emergency, and we have no choice," the captain said.

"I'm coming too," Rachel said, eavesdropping on them.

"I can help too," Jessica said, she was with Rachel.

"No Jess! You're not going anywhere," Miles replied.

"Dad! It's not my first time in the game," Jessica said.

"We'll talk about what you just said later. You're not going into the game," Miles said. He walked towards Jessica, and took her away.

"Can I come?" Rachel asked. Vicky looked at the captain.

"It's not safe, but you can go along if you want to," the captain said.

"Yes!" Rachel exclaimed.

"Follow me," Vicky said, looking at Rachel.

"Vicky!" Connor said, walking up to Vicky, after she left the living room.

"Go to Mia's room. I'll be there," Vicky told Rachel. She then turned to Connor and asked "What?"

"Stay safe," Connor said, walking up to Vicky, and continued, "I know we had a sort of argument earlier. But I don't want you to get hurt. Please stay safe."

"I will dad. You stay safe too. There's a higher likelihood that you'll get hurt more than I do," Vicky said.

"I'll be fine," Connor said. Vicky smiled, and hugged her father.

"I love you dad!" Vicky said.

"I love you too, Vic," Connor said. Vicky smiled, and walked towards Mia's room.

"What now?" Mia asked, as Vicky walked into her room. Vicky explained what was going on to them.

"So don't get caught by the soldiers, and don't let them get anyone else either?" Aiden asked.

"Yeah! That's pretty much it," Vicky replied, and continued "Now that you guys have been briefed, let's head out."

Vicky left Mia's room, and walked to hers. She looked at the pod. She felt nervous, something that she had never felt before. Vicky looked out of the window, and saw the captain, and the team leave for Raina Corps.

Vicky walked back towards the pod, and stepped into it. She woke up in the safe house in the game. Rachel, Mia and Aiden had already logged in.

"Finally, the old team… plus Ace," Mia said, she turned to Aiden, and continued "You see something pretty, make sure to shoot first, and then check out what it is."

"Let's go," Vicky said, walking out of the house. She got on her bike, and rode out to the streets.

"What the…" Mia said, in disbelief. The streets were full of soldiers. They shot players, and then collected their body's onto a large truck, and took them away.

"There's a HUD jammer," Aiden said.

"Hello!" Vicky heard a voice in her earpiece.

"Who is this?" Vicky asked.

"It's Violet. I suggest we team up for this," Violet said.

"I think at this point, everyone is on the same team," Vicky replied.

"Good answer. Everyone's getting ready for war outside the club. Meet us there," Violet said, going off Comms.

"Violet's getting an army ready at the club. Let's go help them out," Vicky said.

A large truck of soldiers drove towards them. Vicky looked at the rest of her team, and revved the engines. She rode off away from the truck. Mia, Rachel and Aiden followed her.

The soldiers were not giving up either. They kept following after them. Vicky came to the back of the bikes, to take a shot at the tyre of the truck. Before she could, one of the soldiers, who was on top of the truck, threw a chain with a hook at the end. The hook pierced through the flesh on Vicky's stomach, and the chain wrapped around her.

"Oh cra…" Vicky said, and was pulled backwards. The truck stopped, and Vicky fell on the ground.

"Icicle!" Rachel said, through Vicky's earpiece.

"Go! I'll meet you at the rendezvous," Vicky replied. She got up, and coughed out blood.

A soldier larger than the other soldiers jumped out of the bed of the truck, he had the whole chain in his hand. Normal soldiers hurried with their guns too.

The chain was still wrapped around Vicky. She looked at the soldiers, and pulled out her sword. She cut through the chain, and used the sword to defend herself from the bullets. She tried to freeze time, but her powers were jammed.

Vicky was attacking the soldiers one at a time. The soldier with the chain grabbed Vicky, and threw her at a nearby car.

Vicky stood up, and used her gauntlet to summon the beast. The soldiers were afraid of the beast. With the help of the beast, Vicky attacked the soldiers, leaving behind the soldier with the chain.

The soldier threw the chain at the beast, but due to the heightened reflexes of the beast, it turned around and blew out ice, which froze the chain, and caused it to break. The soldier charged towards the beast. Vicky attacked the soldier, and the beast blew ice on the soldier, freezing him. Vicky's attack shattered the soldier into pieces.