Chapter 60 - The Fight Outside The Club

Vicky rode the beast straight up to the club. The other players watched in awe at the sight of the beast. Vicky got off the beast, and walked towards her friends, who were planning. The beast turned into smoke, returning to the mark on Vicky's wrist.

"New ride?" Violet asked. Vicky brushed her question off.

"What's the plan?" Vicky asked.

"We need to cover the entrance of the club. I set up a safe zone at the club for players. It won't be too long before the army figures that out," Violet said, she turned to the rest of the players and said "Let's get ready. They might attack at any time."

Vicky nodded to Violet, and walked towards her ambush location. It wasn't long, until a truck filled with soldiers arrived outside the club.

The soldiers got out of the truck, searching the area. The first set of players came out of their ambush location, attacking the soldiers. Before they could defeat the soldiers, another truck full of soldiers arrived.

Two soldiers that attacked Vicky earlier got out of the truck, with more normal soldiers.

"What is that?" Vicky heard Mia asking through her earpiece.

"They are enhanced body soldiers, or EBS. They have special upgrades given to them by Raina Corps," Violet replied through her earpiece, and then continued "We might need everyone to defeat them."

"Or maybe just a rocket launcher," Mia said. She equipped herself with a rocket launcher, got out of cover, and aimed it at the two EBS.

Mia stood in disbelief, after shooting her rocket launcher. The soldiers had not been affected at all. The rocket launcher was useless on them.

"Oh and I think I forgot to mention that they are tanks," Violet said.

"What's a tank?" Rachel asked.

"Uh… they can handle damage more than other players," Mia replied.

"So technically they are invincible?" Rachel asked.

"You can take them out. It's just a little harder," Violet replied, and continued "We'll need all troops out on the field."

Vicky came out of her hiding location, and attacked the soldiers. She defeated many of the normal soldiers, before she came face to face with the EBS. Vicky looked at one in the eye, and attacked him. The soldier was having a chain just like the previous one did.

"Any tips on how to take these guys out, would be really helpful," Rachel said, aiding Vicky.

"Just stay away from the chain," Vicky replied.

Mia shot her rocket launcher once again at the EBS. Vicky and Rachel were not expecting her to, they got out of the area just in time.

"Crystal! A head up next time would be nice," Rachel said.

"My apologies! I was just trying to help," Mia replied, pointing the rocket launcher at the EBS again.

"That's it!" Vicky exclaimed. She turned to Mia and continued "Keep shooting that thing. I got an idea. Just stop when I tell you to."

"Okay," Mia replied, shooting the rocket launcher at the EBS, who got dazed by the explosion on his body.

Vicky got on top of the truck, which aligned her with the head of the EBS.

"Crystal, one more shot, and stop," Vicky said.

Mia shot the rocket launcher once, as Vicky instructed. Vicky jumped into the air, and cut the EBS head off. The other EBS looked at her. Mia shot at the other EBS with her rocket launcher. Vicky jumped aside from her line of fire.

"Oops!" Mia exclaimed. She ran out of rockets to fire, and equipped a grenade. "ICICLE!" Mia shouted, tossing the grenade at Vicky.

Vicky threw the grenade at the EBS. It fell to the ground. Mia ran up with her machine gun, and shot the EBS until she was sure it was dead.

"Why isn't anyone respawning?" Violet asked, killing the rest of the other soldiers.

"I'm guessing it has something to do with the HUD jammer," Aiden replied.

"The HUD jammer doesn't allow players to access their head-up display to respawn," Vicky said. She looked at the dead soldiers and players.

"Do you want them to respawn here? And attack us again?" Mia asked. Violet looked at Mia, and walked towards the entrance of the club.

"How many of you are left?" Violet asked. A few other players walked towards Violet. Vicky looked around, and counted ten players, including herself.

"We don't have enough players to defend the club for another attack," another player said.

"What should we do?" a different player asked. The other players were looking at Violet for instruction. Violet turned to Vicky.

"Any ideas?" Violet asked Vicky.

"I guess it's time to call another friend out," Vicky replied.

"You have more friends who can help us?" Violet asked.

"More like 'friend'," Aiden replied.

Vicky summoned the beast out. It formed in front of her, with a loud roar. The other players were shocked at the sight of the beast, at such close proximity. Some of them even stepped back in fear.

Another truck of soldiers drove towards the club, it was followed by the sound of techno music.

"Daemon!" Vicky said, holding her sword out. She walked forward, ready to attack the soldiers. The beast stood beside her. Soon the rest of the players, including Mia, Aiden, Rachel and Violet stood side by side with Vicky.

Vicky watched as Daemon rode his bike from behind the truck. He got off the bike, and charged at Vicky and her new team with his soldiers.

Despite each member having different weapons, the players with melee weapons charged towards the soldiers, while the others kept shooting.

Vicky charged at Daemon with the beast by her side. The beast gave Vicky an advantage over Daemon, because he did not know about the powers it possessed.

Vicky and the beast fought together, almost as if their minds were linked with each other. They defeated Daemon easily, since none of their powers were working.

Vicky and the beast attacked the other soldiers too, and stood watching as another truck came up to them.