Chapter 61 - Is It Finally Over?

The captain and the team had successfully infiltrated Raina Corps. No one in the facility knew they were inside the building.

Sarah went to the server room, to change the code of the game.

"How long will it take?" the captain asked, watching Sarah connect her laptop to the server.

"Five minutes. I have to get through the firewall first. Then I need to upload the software I made," Sarah replied.

"Five minutes?" Connor asked, and continued "Can't you hurry it up?"

"I could try, but I might get caught by the firewall then," Sarah replied.

"Max! Someone's coming our way. I hear footsteps," Miles said walking towards the captain.

"We'll need to take them out," the captain said. He nodded his head to Sarah, and followed Miles to the door.

A man dressed in office attire walked into the server room. Sarah was not visible from the entrance. The rest of the team hid anywhere they could. Connor and the captain hid next to each other.

The man walked towards the captain's and Connor's hiding position. The captain nodded at Connor, who nodded back at the captain. The two of them ambushed the man.

"Connor!" the man said.

"Shane!" Connor said, staring at the man.

"Didn't you die in the fire?" Shane asked. The captain still had his hand around Shane's neck. He looked at Connor.

"He's a friend!" Connor said. The captain let him go, and Connor continued "No I didn't."

"What are you… guys doing here?" Shane asked, looking at the captain and then at Connor.

"Do you have any idea what's happening in the game?" Connor asked.

"No. I just maintain the servers," Shane replied.

"We need your help," Connor said.

Shane was an old friend of Connor's. He was truly Eileen's friend. Connor explained what was happening to Shane. He gave Sarah access to upload her program to the server.

Vicky was struggling to attack the large numbers of soldiers. She watched as the beast was shot down, and it returned back into the mark. Vicky, Mia, Aiden, Rachel and Violet were the only players that survived the never ending wave of soldiers.

"I don't think we can hold them for much longer," Violet said. The group was surrounded by soldiers. They stood with their backs to each other.

"Icicle! Can't you call your friend back out?" Mia asked.

"No he's got a recharge time, because he was defeated," Vicky said, and continued "Maybe you should use something from your inventory."

"Already did, and they're still attacking us," Mia replied.

"Well we can't back down now," Vicky said.

"They've got guns! And they've surrounded us," Aiden said.

"He's right. We can't fight them," Violet said. She kept her weapons on the ground, and held her hands up, and continued "I surren…"

Violet was shot in the head by one of the soldiers.

"No one's surrendering to us today," the soldier said, and shot at the group. Vicky and Mia equipped themselves with the shields they got in the world of the enchanted weapon. Using it to protect themselves, including Aiden and Rachel.

"Icicle, we can't hold this up for long, we need to fight back," Mia said.

Vicky looked at Mia and gave the shield to Rachel.

"Stay here! I'll take them out," Vicky said, leaving the protection of the shield.

Vicky held her sword, smirked, and charged the soldiers. She was taking out soldiers one at a time. She got shot too, but she kept attacking them.

Vicky was getting shot too many times. She could barely stand, the soldier that shot Violet tackled Vicky to the ground, and pointed the gun at her.

"Powers available," Vicky heard a voice ring across the game. She watched as the soldier pulled the trigger. Vicky used her time freeze. She closed her eyes, and opened them. The bullet was a few inches away from her forehead.

Vicky took the bullet in her hand. She attacked all the soldiers, including the one that tried to shoot her. Once the timer for her power ran out, the soldiers fell to the ground.

Mia moved the shield away, staring at the world around her.

"You okay?" Mia asked.

"Never better," Vicky replied. Mia walked past Vicky to Daemon. His body was still lying on the ground.

"You can end this right now," Mia said, looking at Daemon.

"What are you talking about?" Vicky asked, walking towards Mia.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about," Mia replied.

"No!" Vicky said. She turned to Mia, and then looked around, as the other players respawned.

"The next time someone dies because of him, it's going to be your fault," Mia whispered, and walked towards Rachel and Aiden.

Vicky talked with Violet about what happened. She then left back to the safe house with Mia, Aiden and Rachel.

"Are we logging out now?" Aiden asked, as they arrived at the safe house.

"Yes!" Vicky replied. She pulled up her head-up display.

"Icicle!" Mia said, she looked at Rachel and Aiden, and continued "Why don't you guys log out? We need to talk a bit."

Rachel and Aiden looked at the two of them, and logged out.

"What?" Vicky asked, turning to Mia.

Mia punched Vicky in the face. She kicked Vicky back.

"Why didn't you get rid of him when you had the chance?" Mia asked, pointing a pistol at Vicky.

"Mia!" Vicky said. She was shocked, and hurt at the same time.

"Don't! What do you think would happen if they found us again?" Mia said, she slowly walked towards Vicky, and continued "Your dad's not going to be there to protect us. All he cares about is you."

"Mia. What's the use of us going around killing them? Don't we become just like them too?" Vicky asked.

"You need to become a monster to destroy a monster," Mia said. She pulled the trigger. The bullet pierced Vicky's shoulder.

"Why does this hurt more than usual?" Vicky asked, grabbing her shoulder.

"You're not the only one who found a new weapon at the lab," Mia replied. She teleported behind Vicky, grabbing her karambit from her.

Vicky defended herself against Mia's attacks. Vicky didn't use her powers, but Mia did, making it impossible for Vicky to land a blow.

"So you're not even going to fight me fair now?" Vicky asked.

"There's no fair in fighting," Mia said, stabbing Vicky with her own karambit. Mia teleported Vicky to the plaza, and she teleported away.