Chapter 65 - Another Top Player

"Boss players should not be active until the end is almost near. Penalty… death to boss player," the announcement said.

"No!" Vicky said, as Destina fell to the ground. Vicky knelt next to Destina, and closed her eyes. She turned to the captain.

"I'm sorry about your friend," Connor said.

"Well there's nothing we can do about it. Let's keep moving, or else the same thing might happen to us," Vicky said.

"Which route are we taking?" Miles asked the captain.

"She's right about the snipers. Let's go the other way," the captain replied.

The team arrived at an open field. It was nothing like they expected it to be. The field was an open warzone. Players shot at anyone they saw.

"Look at that, something we can work with," Vicky said, switching her gun to single shot.

"I'd suggest you go full automatic," Connor said, noticing Vicky's gun.

"Dad! I know what I'm doing," Vicky replied.

"I'm just giving you advice," Connor replied.

"It might work to scare off enemies, but to get a proper shot, it's difficult," Vicky responded.

"Everyone ready?" the captain asked. Each member of the team nodded their head to the captain, so he continued "Let's head out."

Vicky followed the team into the open field. Bullets flew all around them. Vicky shot down other players before they could turn to fire. Everything went according to plan until a rocket launcher was fired.

"Rocket launcher!" A player shouted, as a series of explosions occurred.

"Find cover!" the captain shouted to the team.

Vicky hurried behind a nearby rock. She turned around, and saw the position of the team with rocket launchers. Vicky switched her weapon to a sniper, and took out one member of their team. They fell one at a time.

Players started attacking each other as the explosions stopped. Vicky came out of cover. Smoke was filling the field.

"Damn it!" Vicky said, moving around slowly. The whole field was covered in thick smoke.

"Bonus round!" the announcer said, and continued "Smokey Tundra. The whole arena is filled with thick smoke. Beware of what lurks within." The announcement was followed with a maniacal laugh.

Vicky calmly walked forward step by step, listening to every sound she could. A gunshot came from nearby, and then a scream, accompanied by another maniacal laugh.

Vicky turned her gun towards the side the sound came from, and then more gunshots and screaming.

The maniacal laugh sounded like it came from behind her. The smoke made it difficult for Vicky to trust her ears. The laugh seemed to be all around her. Vicky turned three hundred and sixty degrees expecting to find the source of the laugh.

Another gunshot, then silence. Vicky couldn't hear anything.

"Hello!" a female voice whispered, followed by the maniacal laugh. Vicky felt something pushed her back, she fell to the ground.

Vicky got back on her feet, and looked around. The maniacal laugh surrounded her. Vicky took out her sword. She looked around, noticing a shadow in the smoke.

She attacked the shadow. It turned around, blocking Vicky's attack. The shadow was another boss player. She was dressed all in black, with a mask and long black hair. She laughed maniacally, as she kicked Vicky back.

A bullet flew past the two of them, Vicky froze time, and focused mainly on the enemy in front of her. Her enemy was not frozen either.

"So you're the infamous Icicle?" the female player said, taking a fighting stance.

"I'd say nice to meet you, but I see your bad at introductions," Vicky said, getting into a fighting stance. She charged at her enemy, and the two dueled.

"You're not as strong as I expected," the player said, as she tossed Vicky to the ground. Vicky rolled over, as the player tried to stab her.

"Times up for our bonus round. I'm glad you guys met our new top player, Dextera!" the announcer replied. The maniacal laugh moved away from Vicky, with the Doppler effect.

The smoke started to clear away. Vicky was tired from her duel, she looked at her gauntlet, she had not realised that her freeze time ran out, and reloaded itself too.

Vicky got up on her feet, and equipped her assault rifle. Vicky was able to see through the smoke, and other players started shooting once again. Vicky turned around, and saw a player coming towards her.

Vicky had her finger on the trigger, pulled half way through, when she realised it was the team. Vicky put her gun down. The captain shot behind Vicky. A player fell to the ground.

"We need to get out of here now," the captain said, turning to the rest of the team.

"After you," Vicky said, looking at the captain. They shot at other players, and eventually got to the other side of the field. The smoke had cleared away, and everything was visible.

"Did you meet Dextera?" Connor asked, looking at Vicky.

"Yep!" Vicky replied.

Vicky heard a noise from behind them. She turned around with her gun, and a team of players surrounded them.

Vicky froze time. She shot at each player, with one bullet, as she unfroze time, the other team fell to the ground.

"Never gets old!" Kane said, turning to Vicky.

"Dextera is not as cool as you think she is," Vicky said, looking at Connor.

"Let's keep moving," the captain replied.

"Don't wanna be one of those guys," Colton said, as he walked past the other team members who were dead.

"Less than ten teams left in the tournament… enter top player Dextera," the announcer said, and continued "The last standing team gets out. The more sooner this ends, the sooner you can get back to the real world."

"Less than ten teams? Already?" Miles asked.

"We have no idea how long we've been here. It looks exactly the same all the time," Sarah replied.

"All I know is that I'm tired," Colton said.

"Stay alert," the captain replied.

"Five teams left. Great work Dextera!" the announcer said.

"This is moving quite fast," Connor said.