Chapter 66 - Back Home

The team was still in the same place, when they heard another announcement.

"My my… this is becoming rather interesting. One team left, excluding Dextera. I wonder how this would go down," the announcer said, and played music.

The maniac laugh followed it's way to the team, followed by a cloud of smoke. Dextera divided the team. Vicky saw smoke all around.

Colton pointed his gun everywhere he heard the maniacal laugh. He saw Dextera coming towards him, with her sword dragging on the ground. Colton emptied the cartridge on her, but she stood up straight, right in front of him. One slash from the sword, and Colton fell to the ground.

Miles was near Colton, and saw the fight as shadows. He ran towards the direction, but Dextera was gone. Colton was on the ground. The maniacal laugh surrounded Miles, he shot in all the directions.

Vicky crouched down, as bullets flew past her, but Sarah wasn't that lucky, she took a bullet to the head. The maniacal laugh surrounded them, a slash, and Miles was out too.

Vicky found the captain. He was surprised to see Vicky.

"Don't shoot unless you see her," the captain said, turning to Vicky.

"I don't shoot at her," Vicky said, taking out her sword, and continued "I think she's dropping bodies."

"We need to find whoever's left, before she takes them out too," the captain said. Vicky and the captain kept moving, and found Connor.

"What's going on?" Connor asked.

"Dextera is taking us out one at a time," Vicky replied.

They heard another gun fire. The maniacal laugh surrounded them.

"How many sets of gunfire did we hear?" Connor asked.

"Three," the captain replied.

"There should be another one of us," Connor said.

"I don't think so," Dextera whispered. She walked towards the three of them, and continued "How fun this would be."

Dextera took a fighting stance, and charged towards the three of them. Vicky got in the middle of her attack, defending Connor and the captain. Dextera retreated into the smoke.

"Stay together," Vicky replied.

Dextera's laugh surrounded them. The three of them faced three different directions.

"Where is she?" Connor whispered.

"Quiet!" Vicky replied.

They turned around in a large circle, to find Dextera, but all they heard was her laugh.

Despite the team being together, they had a small gap between them. Dextera used this to push each of them away.

Vicky fell to the ground, as Dextera pushed her to the ground. She got up and turned around to see herself surrounded by smoke. She turned around, as more gunshots were heard.

"It's just two players now," an announcement rang across the arena.

Vicky turned in all the directions, trying to find Dextera. All she could hear was the maniacal laugh. While Vicky was turning around, she saw a shadow racing towards her. She defended herself from Dextera's attack.

Once again, Dextera was no longer in sight. Vicky turned around looking for Dextera.

"You won't win this!" Vicky heard Dextera whisper.

Vicky saw something move very fast in the smoke, accompanied by the maniacal laugh.

Vicky's eyes turned light blue, and the mark the beast gave her started to glow. Vicky was soon able to see through the smoke. She was able to see everything with a hint of blue. The smoke was not visible to her at all. She saw Dextera running around in the smoke.

Vicky was able to see how the beast saw. Vicky waited until Dextera attacked. She was able to see Dextera charging towards her. She countered Dextera, and the two began to fight. Vicky followed Dextera, while attacking her.

Dextera was not aware of how Vicky was able to see her through the smoke. In fact she underestimated Vicky, allowing Vicky to get an advantage on Dextera.

Dextera hurried away, expecting Vicky to not see her. Vicky saw Dextera hide in an ambush location. As Dextera jumped out to ambush her, Vicky stabbed Dextera.

"How?" Dextera asked.

"Look closer!" Vicky replied, she sounded like two people were talking through her. Dextera stared at Vicky's eyes.

"The chosen one!" Dextera whispered, and fell to the ground.

"We have a winner. Icicle! Looks like you can go back home," the announcer said.

Vicky's vision turned black. She woke up, and she was in the lake house. Vicky got up, and looked around. Cora was lying on the ground next to her. Vicky switched Cora back on.

"Miss Vicky! What can I do for you?" Cora asked, standing up.

"What did you see last?" Vicky asked. Cora stared blankly at Vicky.

"The last thing I seem to have recalled is making dinner for you, Miss Vicky," Cora replied.

"Who switched you off? What were you doing by the dock?" Vicky asked.

"I don't recall going to the docks Miss Vicky," Cora replied.

Vicky's phone began to ring. She looked at the caller ID and picked up the phone.

"Dad!" Vicky said, answering the phone.

"Vicky! You're okay!" Connor said, exhaling deeply.

"Dad! Where are you?" Vicky asked.

"I woke up in the car," Connor replied, and continued "What about you?"

"I woke up inside the lake house. Dad, before they kidnapped me, they took Cora out. She was by the docks, I went to grab her, and when I came back in they got me," Vicky replied.

"You're okay, right?" Connor asked.

"I'm fine," Vicky replied.

"I'll come back to the lake house. Maybe we can talk about this in person," Connor said.

"Okay," Vicky replied. Connor cut the line. Vicky got another call, this time it was the captain.

"Captain!" Vicky said, answering the phone.

"You doing good, kid?" the captain asked.

"Yeah! I woke up in the lake house," Vicky replied.

"I woke up in the house. I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you out at the end," the captain said.

"It's fine. I'm just glad that we all made it out alive," Vicky replied.

"Me too… I should probably check on the others too. I'll call you back later," the captain said.

"Okay, bye," Vicky replied, as the captain cut the line.