Chapter 73 - Virtual Destination

Vicky stopped her bike in front of the safe house. Mia was close behind her. Vicky smirked at Mia, and opened the roller gate to the safe house. She locked eyes with another person inside the safe house.

Vicky immediately looked at the person's hand, he had a gun. Vicky jumped to the side, as the man started firing at them. His gun was on automatic, and bullets flew at them. The man came out, and turned towards Vicky. He looked around, but couldn't find her.

"Looking for my friend?" Mia asked, as the man turned around. She stood right behind him. He tried to shoot Mia, but he was out of ammo.

"I'm right here," Vicky said, standing behind the man. Vicky shot him in the head, and the man fell to the ground.

"He tricked us," Mia said.

"This is the same guy that kidnapped Wyatt," Vicky said.

"The guy who pushed you off the ledge," Mia added.