Chapter 74 - What's Going On?

Vicky expected Rose to explain what Cordelia said, but instead Rose stared at Vicky.

"Here I thought you actually cared about helping people," Rose said.

"What makes you think that?" Vicky asked.

"You've helped a lot of people throughout your time in the game," Rose replied.

Vicky nodded her head, pondering this point.

"Was that too much for your young brain to handle?" Cordelia asked. Vicky smirked.

"If there's anything here. It's that your brain is too dumb to understand anything," Vicky replied. She looked at Mia, who nodded her head.

Vicky took out a pistol from inside her jacket, and shot Rose and Cordelia. Both the bullets went through them.

"Are you sure we're the dumb ones? You really think we'll meet you in person? Alone?" Rose asked. Vicky stared at Mia. She didn't budge an inch.

"Oh Icicle! You had one chance to align yourself with me. But instead you choose this?" Mia asked. She took a pistol out.