Chapter 75 - Where Am I?

Vicky opened the door to the stairs. She looked around, for any sign of the other residents. She was unable to find any of them.

Vicky took a step towards the stairs. She opened the door to the eleventh floor. The eleventh floor looked pretty much the same as the twelfth floor. There was nothing much to see. Except for more blood on the floor. The lights were flickering, and some were not working at all.

Unaware of what to do, Vicky checked the tenth floor, then the ninth floor. She couldn't find any signs of the residents.

Eventually, she reached the bottom floor. Vicky walked through the security booth. It malfunctioned, and didn't allow Vicky through.

"What the? Where is everyone?" Vicky said, looking around the floor. The place the guards were standing was now a puddle of blood.

Vicky stared at the blood, and thought to herself "What happened here? Where is everyone? Maybe I should call dad."