Chapter 86 - Alice?

The captain couldn't believe his eyes. His daughter was standing in front of him. She looked about Vicky's age.

"How are you here?" the captain asked.

"What? I walked all the way here. You forgot to pick me up after my appointment at the saloon," Alice replied. She walked past the captain, and went into the house. The captain followed her.

"No I meant… How are you here? I saw the car after the accident," the captain said.

"Dad! I'm getting over the accident. I don't have PTSD anymore," Alice said.

"Am I dead?" the captain asked.

"What? What are you talking about dad? Why are you acting so weird?" Alice asked. She looked at her father, and walked up the stairs. The captain stared at the stairs. He immediately took his phone and called Vicky.

Meanwhile, Vicky got annoyed, because the captain hung up the phone, without listening to her.