Chapter 87 - Nothing Makes Sense

Vicky was trying to defend herself from Cora. The vase Vicky threw at Cora didn't do anything to her. Vicky got on her feet, despite her pain and began rushing to the kitchen.

Cora reached Vicky in a few steps, and pinned her to the wall. Vicky looked around for something to aid her. Cora put her hand on Vicky's neck, and began to squeeze it. Vicky couldn't breathe. Cora raised Vicky a bit higher, so that she'll suffocate faster.

Vicky reached behind Cora. She found the emergency switch to turn Cora off. Vicky pulled the switch. Cora switched off, but now Vicky couldn't get Cora's hand off her neck.

Finally Vicky managed to open Cora's hand, and fell on the ground. Vicky was coughing. She rushed outside. Connor's car was parked outside. She immediately got into the vehicle and drove away.