Chapter 88 - Where Is Here?

A few minutes passed, as the captain tried to stop Vicky from bleeding out. The doorbell rang. The captain and Alice turned towards the door.

"Stay here," the captain said. He took his gun and walked towards the door. He pointed it at the door, and opened the door. He sighed in relief.

"What's the hurry?" Sarah asked, standing on the other side of the door. The captain opened the door, he did not bother hiding the gun from her. Sarah noticed the gun but did not bother either.

"It's Vicky. Her wounds from the game are on her body," the captain said, leading Sarah towards Vicky.

"What?" Sarah asked. The captain showed Vicky to her. She looked at him with large eyes.

"When she came here she was like that. I tried to stop the bleeding, but…" the captain said, and was interrupted by Alice.

"She wasn't like that when she came here. She looked fine," Alice said. Sarah turned towards Alice, astonished.

"Alice?" Sarah asked. She glanced at the captain, and back at Alice.