Chapter 91 - Back To Reality

"Where's my dad?" Vicky asked, as soon as she opened her eyes. Rose was still twisting the knife, and pressed the knife deeper. Vicky winced in pain, and closed her eyes again.

"You're not used to this are you?" Rose asked. Vicky looked at the ground. She nodded her head slightly. Rose looked at Vicky, and said "I'll tell you about your father, if you tell me how to get into Raina Corps."

"I have no idea. I swear," Vicky replied. Rose looked at Vicky and began twisting the knife again. Vicky winced in pain, and looked at her.

"Your father is with us. He's safe for now," Rose said. She got up, and walked out of the room.

Vicky looked around, and noticed that the room was covered with walls. She looked at the knife on her stomach. Vicky tried to read it with her hand, but it was too far. Vicky leaned closer to her right hand, which was the closest to the knife. She grabbed the knife in her hand, closed her eyes, and pulled it out.