Chapter 92 - At The Hospital (Part 1)

Vicky walked out of the emergency room with Sarah. She sighed as she saw the captain waiting for them.

"What did the doctor say?" the captain asked. He looked at Vicky, who immediately looked at the ground, to avoid his gaze.

"She told us to stay, but someone's decided to take a page from her father's book," Sarah replied. The captain smirked. Vicky looked at Sarah.

"Wow! You sound like my mom," Vicky said. Sarah smiled at her, and looked at the captain.

"How's Connor doing? I'm sure someone wants to ask, but can't get rid of their ego," Sarah said.

"Since when did you start talking so much?" Vicky asked.

"Since when did you get so rude?" the captain asked. Vicky sighed and looked away from him. The captain looked at them and said "Connor's getting surgery. It might take some time. I think he'll be fine, but that's just my opinion, we'll have to wait till the doctor gives the clear."