Chapter 93 - At The Hospital (Part 2)

Vicky sat on the chair beside Connor. Connor looked at Vicky, and realised she was thinking about something.

"What are you thinking about?" Connor asked. Vicky stared at Connor.

"I'm sorry for what I told you at the lake house, before I left, to go back to my old house. I know it was part of our plan to get Rose to trust me and Mia, but… It felt wrong yelling at you," Vicky said, looking at Connor.

"Vicky, you said it yourself. It was part of the plan. We planned it the night before. The whole team knew about it. You have nothing to apologise for… plus I said some hurtful stuff too," Connor said.

"I know it was our plan, but it still hurts to know that I yelled at you. I feel really bad," Vicky said.

"It's okay, princess. I'm fine," Connor said. Vicky looked at Connor.

"Stop calling me princess. I'm not a kid anymore, neither am I a princess," Vicky said. Connor sighed.