Chapter 100 - A Caged Fight

Vicky reached Violet. Her guards stopped her from meeting Violet, but Violet noticed her, and signaled them to let her through.

"What are you doing here?" Violet asked, turning to Vicky.

"I need some intel on the next races," Vicky said. The crowd started cheering wildly. Vicky glanced at the cage. 

The player with the chain knife had his knife pierce the other player in his heart. Vicky turned back to Violet. Her smirk hidden under her mask. Violet noticed her glance at the cage.

"I heard you used to fight in the tournaments in the club," Violet said. Vicky stared at her. She had a small hint of where the conversation was going. Violet did not say anything, expecting an answer from Vicky.

"Used to," Vicky said. Violet looked at her and smiled.

"I need something in return, if I give you intel," Violet said. Vicky expected her to words, so just stared at her. Violet continued "How about you earn me some money… in the cage?"