Chapter 101 - Poison Bullets

Vicky looked at Mia. She knew Mia hated losing, thus she'd do anything to win. Vicky looked at Mia, when she realised her vision was beginning to blur. She shook it off and held her sword. She was fed up with the fight. It was taking too long.

Mia watched Vicky, expecting something to happen to her. She was shocked when nothing did happen. Vicky kept her hand on her pistol, pushing away her coat, almost like a cowboy from the classic movies.

"So a stand off," Mia said. She already had her pistol in her hand. Vicky knew what she had to do. She had to be faster than Mia to pull the trigger, but the thing is, Mia already had her gun out.

Vicky and Mia walked around in circles. It was the most agonising moment for Vicky. She worried if she couldn't get the gun out of the holster in time. Vicky had practiced her fast draw, but she was still worried. She would take longer to take her gun out of her holster.