Chapter 107 - Crossing The Line

The team looked around at what was happening. Ryan's team of mercenaries shot down all the guards, before they could even think of pulling the trigger.

Vicky walked in with her gun on Luna's son's head. She watched Luna as her eyes turned soft, seeing her son. Vicky undid the blindfold.

"Really? You're going to bring my son into this," Luna asked, staring at Vicky. Ryan was about to say something, when Vicky gave a chuckle. She made Luna's son kneel on the ground, and smirked.

"That's very… ironic, coming from you," Vicky said, and continued "Weren't you supposed to be my dad's friend?"

"You don't understand anything, so stay out of this, and leave William out of this too," Luna said, looking at his son.

"This is getting boring," Vicky said, she looked at Luna and asked "Where's my dad?"

"Stay out of this," Luna said. Vicky smirked, and looked at William. She looked back up at Luna, who didn't change her expression.