Chapter 110 - Initiation Tasks

Connor was walking to the kitchen, when his phone rang. He was staying at Raina Corps.

"Sarah! You got anything?" Connor asked, answering the phone.

"Yes! She logged in a few minutes ago," Sarah said.

"Are you sure it's her?" Connor asked, his eyes with a glint of happiness.

"Yes! I saw her user id come online," Sarah replied.

"Okay. Thanks," Connor said and cut the line. Luna walked towards him.

"What was that about?" Luna asked.

"Vicky! She logged into the game," Connor said.

"And?" Luna asked.

"I need to try talking to her," Connor replied, turning towards the direction of the elevator.

"You shouldn't go on your own. You have no idea what she'll do," Luna said.

"You think she'll kill her own father?" Connor asked.

"She's right. You shouldn't go by yourself," the captain said, eavesdropping on the conversation.

"No! She might not want to talk if she sees you guys," Connor said, looking at Luna.