Chapter 109 - Back To Work

Two months passed. Vicky was training with Luthor, in the underground floor at Price Industries. 

Vicky tried to get Luthor on the ground, with the new technique he taught her, but it was close to impossible.

"I give up. I can't..." Vicky said, falling on the ground. She was hingbreat heavily, and covered in sweat.

"You need to keep practising," Luthor said. He gave Vicky his hand. She looked at him, and held his hand. He pulled her back on her feet.

"That technique's not going to work for her," a lady said, walking towards Luthor, and Vicky. 

Vicky turned towards her. She saw a young girl with messy hair. Vicky smiled at her, and took a look around the room. 

The room was exquisite. It was an underground lair. It had training equipment, a computer, and pods.

"Harper… I thought you said you were going to be out of town for six months," Luthor said, turning to the lady.