Chapter 118 - Burning The Factory

Vicky followed Ryan to the entrance. There were a few guards at the entrance. Vicky looked at Ryan for instructions.

"What?" Ryan asked. He did not look at her, but knew she was looking at him.

"What do we do?" Vicky asked. She looked at the guards, and then at Ryan. 

The guards were a few feet away from them. They looked at Vicky and Ryan, and walked towards the entrance.

A gate blocked the entrance. Vicky turned to Ryan after looking at the guards. Ryan walked towards the guards without a reply.

"State your business here," the guard shouted at Vicky and Ryan.

Vicky walked after Ryan, expecting him to say something. He kept walking towards the gate. They were almost near the gate. Vicky's eyes went wide as she saw the guards raise their guns.

Ryan calmly took his pistols out, and shot them one after the other. The five guards were on the ground. One of them was not dead yet. He reached for his gun.