Chapter 119 - A Game Of Russian Roulette

"You won't shoot me. I know who you are..." Connor said, and continued "You're not a murder!"

Vicky looked at him, and then Leo appeared behind Connor.

"So now you're pointing a gun at dad?" Leo asked. She knew he was just a hallucination, but he was getting on her nerves. Leo continued "What happened to the Vicky I knew. She would never point a gun at her family."

Vicky watched as Leo stepped to the side, and looked at Vicky. She thought he would vanish, but he stood watching Vicky's next move.

Connor looked at Vicky, who had her eyes fixed on his side. He looked at where Vicky was looking.

"Are you okay?" Connor asked. He frowned, and looked at Vicky anxiously.

"They think you're crazy. No one can see me except you… put the gun down," Leo said, and continued "You're not a murderer. Put the gun down!"