Chapter 120 - Mia Chose To Play The Game

The bullet was in the chamber, and it had pierced through her head. Vicky began to tear up. She tried to push Ryan away, but he held her back firmly.

"Such a waste," Harper said, taking the gun from Mia's hand, and continued "I was just starting to like her."

Vicky was crying. Mia's body was limp. The wall behind her seat in the van was covered in blood. Vicky wanted to check Mia, but Ryan was holding her back. He pushed her back to the wall of the van. 

"This was your fault. You shouldn't have told Connor about our deal," Ryan whispered in her ear. Harper handed the revolver to Ryan. Ryan pointed it at Vicky, as he sat back on his seat. 

Vicky was crying, and she looked at Ryan. He smiled at her, like he was enjoying seeing her cry. Vicky looked again at Mia, and bit her lip, closing her eyes. She opened her eyes. Ryan was still pointing the gun at Vicky.