Chapter 121 - Cobra

Connor and the captain arrived back at Raina Corps. Connor was down, he walked to his room without talking to anyone. Luna watched him go into his room, and turned to the captain.

"What happened?" Luna asked. She was frowning, and looked at the captain.

"We couldn't get Vicky back," the captain said.

"He seemed more upset than usual," Luna said.

"Well… maybe he just needs some time," the captain said. He smiled at her, and walked to his room. 

Luna stood still for a few minutes, contemplating. She then walked towards Connor's room, and knocked on the door. She waited for a while, and there was no answer. She was about to leave, when Connor opened the door.

Connor had his phone in his hand. He looked at Luna, and opened the door for her to walk in.

"Everything okay?" Luna asked, looking at Connor. He looked at her.

"Not really… You remember that tracker I told you about?" Connor asked.