Chapter 126 - The Plan Is Playing Out

Ryan's guards put their guns away, and followed Ryan, who walked into the building. He ignored the Raina Corps guards that were occupying the empty space around the path to the elevator.

Ryan pressed the button to hail the elevator. Luthor took a glance around, noticing all the guards.

"This is not good," Luthor whispered, leaning in towards Ryan. Ryan did not respond. He just stared at the elevator door.

Once the elevator opened, Ryan walked in with Luthor, and a few of his guards. The rest of his guards stood outside. Ryan pressed the button to the floor of Wyatt's office.

Ryan walked out of the elevator, straight into Wyatt's office. The captain glared at him. Wyatt was quite calm, almost reciprocating Ryan's calmness… or the both of them were very good at hiding their anxiousness.

"Do you have Vicky?" Ryan asked. Wyatt gave him a small smirk.

"No! We don't even know where her house is," Wyatt replied.