Chapter 127 - Don't Make Decisions On Impulse

Connor stared at him. He felt his gut telling him that something was not right, but he needed help to find Vicky.

"Someone kidnapped a friend of mine. I need to find her," Connor replied. Cobra smiled.

"That's what we're here for. Tell me your friend's name, I'll see what I can find," Cobra replied.

"Her name is Icicle!" Connor responded. Cobra looked at Connor for a few seconds, and gulped.

"I'll call for you once I find something," Cobra said. Connor nodded.

"How will you find me?" Connor asked.

"That's in Violet's notes too," Cobra replied. 

Connor looked at him for a while, and nodded his head. He walked out of the tent, ignoring the stares from the other players.

After leaving the club, Connor looked around, and got into his car. He tried to get a channel through to Luna, but the line was not connecting. He sighed, and drove towards the safe house.