Chapter 128 - Visiting Ryan

It was a few hours until morning. Connor couldn't fall asleep. He lay awake on his bed, thinking about memories of Vicky. It was making him more angry, but he kept lying on the bed. It felt like he had stayed there for a year, when the yellow rays from the sun finally fell on his face.

Connor sat upright, and took his jacket, walking out of his room. He walked to the captain's room, and started knocking on the door. 

The captain opened the door, and sighed. He was already dressed too. He took his jacket, and followed Connor, who walked to the elevator. He pressed the button to hail the elevator.

The door to the elevator opened, and Luna was standing inside. She stepped out, and turned to them. She noticed the cold stare on Connor's face.

"What's wrong?" Luna asked, looking at Connor. Connor did not respond, he looked at the panel on the elevator, and pressed the button to the ground floor. The elevator doors closed instantly.