Chapter 129 - How All Mercenaries Dress

Connor ducked under Ryan's punch, and moved to his left, turning his hand behind him. 

Ryan did not give up. He elbowed Connor in the diaphragm. Connor let Ryan's hand go, and bent down coughing. Ryan punched Connor again, who ducked under it. Connor grabbed Ryan, and tossed him over a table.

Ryan spit out blood, and looked at Connor. Connor slid over the table, kicking Ryan in the stomach. Ryan fell back on the ground. Connor walked over to him. Ryan kicked Connor back, and did a kip up, getting on his feet.

"I miss the old days!" Ryan said, taking a fighting stance. He looked at Connor.

"I don't," Connor replied. He was about to punch Ryan, when he heard gunshots from behind him. He reflexively ducked under the table. Ryan hid behind the same table. Connor looked at him, and said "I thought you had security here!"

Bullets began flying across the room. Ryan looked at Connor.