Chapter 130 - Don't Trust Luna

Earlier that morning, Rose woke up in her room. She had a bright smile on her face. She turned to her phone, and took a phone call.

"Ma'am, we followed them to Price Industries. What are your orders?" a man asked, as Rose heard the phone pick up.

"Take them out. I want Connor and Ryan out of the picture," Rose said.

"Yes, ma'am," the man replied. Rose cut the line. She smiled as her plan was working out perfectly. She had sent mercenaries to follow Connor and Ryan. Now that the two of them were at Price Industries, she thought it would be easy to take them both out.

She got dressed, and walked to her office. Rose wanted to see Vicky. She asked her secretary to not let anyone into her office. She then stepped into the pod.

Vicky was still in the machine. There was now a voice in her head.