Chapter 132 - I'll Burn Down Everyone!

Caiden and Josie walked to the living room. Rose was still seated on the sofa. She turned to Josie and Caiden with a large smile.

"What's Vicky doing here?" Caiden asked. Rose's smile was still plastered on her face.

"She's part of the team now, and her name is Icicle," Rose replied. She stretched her arm, asking them to sit. Josie sat beside Rose, while Caiden sat across them.

"She said something about a mission," Caiden said. Rose smiled.

"Yes! She took out Luna," Rose replied.

"I thought Luna was with us," Caiden said.

"No! Luna was put into our company by Wyatt. The last few months, she's been helping us, because Vicky killed her son," Rose said. She looked at one of the NPCs in the living room. He was a waiter. Rose opened the menu in front of him, and ordered three drinks. The waiter walked to the mini bar.

"I still don't understand why you have to bring Vicky into the team," Caiden said.