Chapter 133 - More Targets Sighted!

The captain stared at Connor. He walked towards Connor, and sat down on the sofa.

"Have you lost your mind?" the captain asked. Connor looked at him.

"You think I haven't stormed a company before?" Connor asked. Checking his gun again.

"Connor! We'll check the game first. Maybe we could find some clues on who kidnapped her. I called the team… they'll be here any minute," the captain said.

"What if Vicky can't wait? What if they've got a gun to her head... as we speak?" Connor asked.

"Connor! I don't think anyone would want to kill Vicky. She'll be leverage over you… and you're walking right into what they want," the captain said. Connor sighed.

"I just can't imagine her getting hurt," Connor said, as he stared at the gun in his hands. He sighed, and leaned his head back. 

"Hey! I understand what you're going through… Maybe you should sit this one out," the captain said. Connor raised his head, and scowled at the captain.