Chapter 143 - Getting Out Of The Plaza

Rose logged out of the game, and sat on her chair in the office. Her secretary walked into the room after a while.

"Ma'am. There are a few reporters outside who want to talk to you. They asked if we could squeeze them into your schedule," the secretary said.

"How many?"

"Around three reporters asked for a direct meeting with you," her secretary replied.

"Give me a few minutes. I want to have a press conference in the afternoon."

"Yes, ma'am. I'll make the arrangements. Anything else, ma'am?" her secretary asked. Rose shook her head sideways. Her secretary nodded, and left the room. 

Rose switched on the television in the office. 

"As you can see, there are protests breaking out outside Raina Corps. The CEO of Raina Corps have planned a press conference in the afternoon. The protests broke out, due to the new findings that players can die in real life too, after playing the game…" the reporter on the television said.