Chapter 144 - To Ryan's Tower

"Go! We'll hold them back," the captain said, looking at Connor. Connor nodded, and rushed out of the plaza.

Contrary to what Connor expected, there were no players outside the plaza. Everyone had entered the plaza. Connor looked around, as he saw players begin to approach him.

He saw a car pull up in front of him. The car was black, with tinted glasses. Connor looked around, he couldn't reach for his gun, because he was carrying Vicky. 

The door to the car opened. Connor sighed in relief.

"What are you standing around for? Get in," Sarah said. Connor looked around. He put Vicky in the back seat, and got into the front passenger seat.

The car was quiet, as Connor… for once was relieved that he had someone help him.

"Sarah, thank you so much," Connor said. Sarah smiled, and glanced at him, while trying to keep her eyes on the road.

"You don't have to thank me. We're friends," Sarah said.