Chapter 148 - Blowing Up The Tower

"Both of you stop. I swear, the first one of you guys to lift your gun, is going to lose me to the other," Vicky said.

"You don't have the right to say that. You owe me," Ryan said, looking at Vicky.

"Vicky, stay out of this," Connor said.

"No! I'm not staying out of this, and I meant what I said. If any of the three of you point your gun, or any weapon at the three of them, or vice versa. I'm going to go with the other team. End of conversation,"  Vicky said. She took a step back, and sat on the sofa.

The whole building began shaking, as a sound of an explosion reached them.

"What was that?" Harper asked. Everyone walked towards the window. A helicopter, with missiles flew towards the window.

"You can give us Icicle, or we'll blast this whole floor with you inside," Cobra said, on a loudspeaker, from the helicopter. 

"And someone was talking about how everyone was too scared to break into the tower," the captain said.