Chapter 149 - Survivors Of The Explosion

Vicky felt a shock from the device. She fell to her knees, clutching the device on her neck.

"Are you that afraid of me, that you can't even fight fair?" Vicky asked.

"Since when is a fight fair?" Cobra asked. Sarah pointed her gun at Cobra, who nodded to his players. The players pointed their guns at Sarah.

"Let her go," Sarah said.

Cobra smirked, and walked towards Vicky. He bent down next to her, and whispered, "In a fight, the one who fights the dirtiest wins. I thought you might have already known that."

Cobra stood up, and held the controller, looking at Vicky. He smiled, and pressed another button.

Vicky felt the device tighten around her neck. The device stopped shocking her. Vicky put her fingers in between the device and her neck, to stop the device from constricting too much, which would result in her suffocation.