Chapter 153 - Three... Two... One... Grenade!

Vicky was not paying attention to the conversation the team was having. She looked around the VIP section. There was a cluster of players. More players walked towards the cluster.

"Ryan!" Vicky said, still staring at the cluster of players.

"What?" Ryan asked, looking at Vicky, with a raised eyebrow. The conversation at the table stopped, as everyone looked at Vicky. 

"I don't think we're that safe here anymore," Vicky replied. Ryan looked at her. The captain, and Connor followed Vicky's gaze. Their gazes were met by Erika.

"I don't think you have to worry about anything here. Everyone here knows the rules," Ryan said, looking at Erika. 

The cluster of players formed around Erika. She looked at Vicky, and walked towards the table.

"Icicle! What brings you to this side of the city?" Erika asked. Vicky looked at Erika.