Chapter 155 - Clashing Priorities

"He's not a manifestation of my imagination?" Vicky asked. Cora chuckled.

"I thought you were smarter than that, Miss Vicky," Cora said. Vicky fell on her knees. Cora smiled, as the binary digits on Vicky's body changed back to her normal self. Cora smirked, and bent down, next to Vicky, "We have a lot to discuss."

Connor woke up in the pod. He was annoyed. He looked around. The rest of the team was getting out of their pods too.

"What happened?" Colton asked. Everyone was feeling a little off. They felt light headed, and had a headache.

"Am I the only one feeling this?" Miles asked.

"No!" the captain replied.

"We need to find out what happened," Connor said. He walked towards the elevator, with the rest of the team following him.