Chapter 158 - Before Briefing

Connor stared at his bottle as he heard the elevator close. He sighed, and kept his head on the table. He had no idea how long he was sulking for, when he heard a soft female voice behind him.

"You okay?" Harper asked, looking at Connor.

"I'm fine." Connor said, raising his head from the table. He stared at his bottle.

"Luthor told me about what happened. Don't you think you should at least be sober when you attack Virtual Destination?" Harper asked, looking at the bottle in Connor's hand.

"I am sober!" Connor replied.

"You sound a lot like my brother right now," Harper said. She walked towards Connor, keeping a few steps distance from him.

"At least I didn't go to a board meeting, after downing a whole bottle," Connor replied. Harper raised an eyebrow, and looked at him.

"You have a really cold aura right now," Harper said. 

"And you're scared of me?" Connor asked.